Thursday, January 13, 2011

Arizona Massacre--A Follow-up

Get used to it.  Just like all BAD stuff that happens, this event will be reported and front-paged for a while.  The event itself IS tragic.  There is no doubt about that.  But, equally as tragic are these surrounding events.
The newspapers and TV reporters are having a field day and lining their pockets with the "so-called" news.  I say "so-called" because half of the news concerning this horrible story  has been made up in the recesses of their degenerate minds.  Without mentioning them by name, or singling on just one, let me just generalize their abject stupidity.
GUN CONTROL--This will be a GREATER ongoing headline for a long time.  There will be dopes grabbing headlines and getting rich off of the many articles that will hit the newspaper stands and magazine racks.  All of them calling for the sale of guns to be stopped.  They will list reason after reason why guns should be banned.  ALL OF THEM WILL BE BOGUS.  Does their need to be greater accountability?  YES.  The argument is, that if this guy did not have a gun, these people would not have been killed.  BOGUS!!!!!!  Guns DO NOT kill people.  PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.  They might use a gun, or a knife or a bomb or a rock or their hands.  It makes just as much sense to ban knives, bombs, rocks, and (yes) hands.  Think about it, if we cut off people's hands, I promise you the murder rate would drop.  Absurd?  THAT statement is just as absurd as the call to ban guns.  Cain did not have a gun when he committed the first murder.  He did not need a gun.  He had his hatred and anger.  OH, MY GOSH.  HAVE I STUMBLED (?) UPON A HEADLINE THAT HAS BEEN MISSED?  You'd better believe I have.
WHO DUNNIT?  I find it so-o-o-o-o amazing that people immersed in the sea of degenerate stupidity point their bony fingers at right-wing conservationists as being the authors of this rampage.  Will some of you 'grabbing at any straw' lefties please, please, please give me ONE SHRED of evidence the this man actually tuned in to one of the conservationists talk shows.  Can you go to his car and see what stations he listens to?  Can you check his e-mail and see what he has subscribed to and let's jail these rogue commentators.  BRING SOME POSITIVE, SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE.  Hypothesis is not admissible in any court of law.  The dumbest thing is....mud-slinging will continue from both sides for a long time.  And, they will rake in the money from their rants.  That is purely disgusting. 
EQUALLING DISGUSTING IS NO ONE IS REPORTING THE REAL REASON FOR THIS MASSACRE.  Well, maybe I am in this piece.  The greatest culprits in this case are we Christians.  Preachers and evangelists get into pulpits and yell and scream and holler sometimes for an hour.  Song writers are just beginning to come out with tear-jerkers to line their pockets from this tragedy.  Will they make some money and fill their pews with this?  You betcha.  I stated in one of my previous blogs that God NEVER put a promise to preaching and leading worship like He did prayer.  2 Chronicles 7:14-If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  Did you see that?  Prayer, not preaching will bring healing to our land.  OUR turning from sin and seeking God brings healing to our land.  Think of all the failing social programs the government could shut down if there was healing in our land.  Yet, we Christians want to just sit on our duff for hours and LISTEN to preaching and LISTEN to worship.  Yet, we spend only a few minutes a week actually praying and seeking God.  Christians,  how close to home is this going to have to get before you get concerned enough to pray.  Me?  Ask my family.  For the past eight to nine years I have been getting up at 4:30 a.m. to pray.  I know that God has stirred, I hope, thousands of others.  But, as you can see we need some help.  The Word of God has presented the greatest answer to tragedies like this.  Let's take God up on His promise to bring some long-awaited healing to this land.

Pass this on.  It's important.

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