Tuesday, January 11, 2011

AN ISSUE OF A GOD KIND--The Arizona Massacre

No doubt you have heard of this tragic news.  A 22 year-old gunman  went on a shooting spree that killed six and wounded several others.  I will spare you the details because you probably know more about it than I do.   Almost immediately, people started blaming the rebellious and incendiary right-wing conservatists.  Of course, the people doing this were the rebellious and incendiary left-wing what-ever-they-call-themselves.
Part of my job is driving a truck and making deliveries for the company that I work for.  If I am driving when 3 p.m. rolls around, I listen to my ex-favorite talk show host.  (I'll explain 'ex' in a moment.)  He was giving his usual rant.  That's their job, you know.  He was accusing the accusing commentators of their wrong views and giving them the typical 'They're so bad and mean.' speech.  Part of his rant was that they were so busy bashing the right-wing conservatists that they did not take any time at all to pass on their proper condolences to the victims' families.  When I got off work at 5 p.m. and started on my way home, I listened a little bit more.  He was still on his rant about the commentators and I heard not one peep about any kind of consolation to the victim's families.
I should have known better than to listen but it gets awful boring in the truck going from point A to point B.  FOR ONCE...I, and I wish there were thousands that would join me, BEG some radio station to put a real announcer on their talk shows that could address the issues of the day in the correct fashion.  The issue is not the mean left-wing or the mean right-wing.  I do understand that this guy read Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler.  But, can anybody understand......IT IS AN ISSUE OF A GOD KIND.
It wasn't the books or any political party that drove this man to borderline insanity.  It was the demonic powers of Hell.  In the book I just finished and put it's review on this website, former President Reagan realised this.  While in the emergency room awaiting to go into surgery, he not only prayed for Jim Brady, himself and the other injured.  He, ALSO, prayed for his attacker to be freed from the demons that drove him to his dastardly act. 
The issue is clearly outlined in Paul's writings.  Let us remember.  Paul was a great soul-winner.  He changed the lives of entire cities and sparked the revolution of the power of Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 6:12--For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].  It was Satanic oppression that caused this man and many like him to go over the edge.  These demons pushed and prodded his mind and heart until his lifestyle changed to hatred and violence.  It's the same with several of the false religions around the world.  Minds and lives are bent toward the destruction of all those who do not bow down to their ideas of religion.  Whoa, fellow!  You are pretty much describing the left-wing and right-wing doughnut brains.
God help us as Christians to have enough grit and fortitude to be vocal enough to INCITE CHRISTIANS TO RIOT.   (Any of you radio station managers that have the guts, I'm your man with the grit.  Call me---I'm available.)  Christians are not called to a war of words or guns.  We, supposedly, are called to a war of prayer.  Remember, Paul said "wrestle."  There is only one way for healing to come to our land.  It needs to be preached and PRACTICED with a fervor that exceeds any rant that has come across any radio. 
It is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and 15.  God promised to heal our land if we would humble ourselves, pray, and turn from our wicked ways.  That has been my habit for the past several years.  For the most part, I have been up at 4:30 a.m. praying and seeking God for revival.  I have made my decision to ratchet up my prayer and my faith until it surpasses the left and right rants and raves.  Is there anybody out there with me?

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