Saturday, April 2, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request

Dear Readers,

I know this blog travels the world and many sincere believers are subscribed to it.  My cousin, Wayne, has just found out that his wife Donna has stage IV cancer and will be undergoing treatment soon.  They are committed Christians and have submitted themselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Would you put their names on your prayer lists?

Does cancer come from God?  Absolutely not.  It doesn't make sense that God would inflict suffering just for the egotistical benefit of healing it.  That's about as crazy as a fireman going out and setting a forest on fire just to have something to do.  That also happens to be a crime in this country.  To me, as well as others that KNOW the Lord and don't just know about Him, we know that the awful things that happen to mankind come as a result of man's original sin in the garden of Eden.

All of us know that we serve a great big God that loves us more than we know.  All of us know that all healing comes from God, whether it be by doctor or by supernatural manifestation.  However, just like salvation.  Neither are automatic.  According to God's design, forgiveness and healing come through prayer and faith in God's divine love for us. 

Let's pray, not only for Wayne and Donna, but for Christians everywhere to be strengthened by His mighty hand. 

Much love in Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Henry, may God bless you and your work. There's alot of people out there that is in the same situation as Donna and I and there loved ones is just as important to them as Donna is to me. Let's pray that this will be a day of miracles, but if not, we'll praise His Holy name just the same.


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