Sunday, April 3, 2011


Over the past several months, nations like Egypt, Syria and Libya have been rocked by unrest.  Their rulers have been toppled or are in the process of being deposed.  The common thread that has lead to each of these devastating situations has been the same thing that plagues the United States.  The rulers of these countries have taken in money hand over fist while ignoring the dreadful poverty of their people. 

America was originally founded on the premise that every citizen of this country was allowed to have his voice heard.  Different citizens might have different views on certain situations but every citizen SHOULD have the right to voice their opinions and have their concerns heard.  These countries that are in distress right now are having their trouble because their rulers have failed to address the issues that concern the majority of the people.  Their countries used to thrive on oppressing opposite views.  The ruling parties have for so long raked in the money and left the poor to fend for themselves now find that the poor are more numerous  than they are.  AND, the poor have gotten sick and tired of being poor while those that govern the land get richer by the moment.

It is so easy for those that CLAIM they govern our nation to point their fingers at these rulers and tell them that they SHOULD have known better and that they SHOULD have seen it coming.  However, our lawmakers and leaders ought to take heed to the attitude of the general populous and address their righteous concerns before a similar type of rebellion take hold of this country.

Our congressmen rake in a salary of $150,000+ and can't even get their act together to put together a REAL budget.  A REAL budget is one that lives within the means available.  For too many years our congressmen have been living in a dream world of deficit spending.  This deficit spending has been fueled by entitlement spending.  In other words, they are paying the poor to stay poor.  The United States of America has gone back to the days of slavery.  We have created a society that is no longer free but is "chained" into depending on government handouts to live on.

We have two categories of "poor."  The government can no longer continue increasing the entitlement programs to feed the greedy that depend on it.  Those that pay their taxes and work hard are having more of their pay checks eaten away by an overpaid and under producing congress.  If the working class of America got as little done for their companies as our congress does for this nation, our GNP would take a nose dive.  Businesses would fall to pieces, incomes would vanish, more people would apply for entitlements and the congress would vote themselves another pay raise.  We, too, a rushing headlong into a revolution of the poor.

Since Congress fails and refuses to do anything about this ungodly situation, it is up to us, the PRAYING Christians to get the job done.  In Deut. the 28th chapter is listed the blessings and cursing of God.  The first fourteen verses list the blessings that God will pour out on those that "listen" to Him.  The remaining fifty-three verses list the dreadful things that will "come upon and overtake" the people that refuse to listen to God. 

Second Chronicles 7:14 tells us that if God's people would humble themselves and pray, that our land would be healed.  That means that we stop complaining about our situation and do something about it.  Godly repentance and heartfelt prayer CAN and WILL turn this nation around.  Do I have the answer to America's problems?  No, I don't.  But, I serve the one who has promised to heal this land.  How will He do that?  That, dear readers, is our faith commitment to the promise of God.  We are the ones who are in doubt right now.  God has proven Himself faithful time and time again.  If He said that He will heal our land, then, obviously He has a plan of action that He intends on putting in place when WE, the praying populous make up our minds to rebel. 

A rebellion!!!!!!  That's what America needs right now.  A thunderous, direction-changing rebellion!!!!!  First of all, when we rebel against our slothful ways and begin to pray more than we complain, the revolution starts.  When we refuse to negotiate with the enemy and will accept nothing but repentance of their sins, when we refuse to accept life as it is and will only be content with a nation-wide revival that brings souls to Jesus....the revolution is on it's way.  Saints, it is not up to a lazy and fat-cat congress to straighten out America.  They have already proven themselves to be incompetent.  It is US, the blood-bought redeemed that are willing to put more stock into 'knee-ology' than we are theology that are poised to bring about a change in this great nation of ours.

Pass this on and let it reach every household.

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