Thursday, February 3, 2011

Book Review--The Next Christians


By Gabe Lyons

The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons: Book Cover

For quite some time now, I had known that the nominal church “ain’t what it used to be.” There has not been an ‘outpouring’ of God’s presence like the Welsh Revival and Azuza Street. The focal question in my mind was, “Is the church really dead?”

Gabe Lyons answers that question in his book The Next Christians. As you read the book, you will find that the answer is both ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ Church as we grew up with has lost a lot of its impetus. However, Gabe brings out in his book that there are a lot of Christians that have taken a new approach to soul-winning. And, in so doing, the church, or should I say the ‘Body of Christ’ is actually very alive and very productive.

The Next Christians defines a grass-roots movement of individuals that, more or less, call themselves ‘Restorers.’ They’re main desire is to bring back relevance to the idea of a life changed and challenged by Jesus Christ. Gabe tells how these ‘Restorers’ think and act ‘outside of the box’ as bring a loving Jesus in touch with a hurting world.

‘Restorers’ are not bound by the traditional church manner of reaching the lost. For example, in chapter five, ‘Provoked, Not Offended,’ he quotes Michael Metzger, “When confronted with the corruption of our world—Christians ought to be provoked to engage, not offended and withdrawn.” For example, he tells how his friend Mike created an organization to invade the adult entertainment field. These ‘Restorers’ invaded the world’s largest porn event in Las Vegas. They handed out free Bibles with covers that read “Jesus Loves Porn Stars.” This book is full of examples of the ‘behind the scenes’ actions that these ‘Restorers’ are engaged in.

I was highly encouraged by this book. It was a hard one for me to put down. As you read this book, you will be challenged to look outside of your own Jesus box to find new ways to reach the lost. It has changed my perspective on soul-winning.

This book can be purchased at, Barnes&,, Mardel Christian & Education, and

I was furnished a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you enjoyed the book! I found it so helpful and inspiring.

    If you want to stay connected to what Gabe Lyons and other restorers are up to, check out The Q Group Studies are excellent resources for vibrant young Christians.



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