Tuesday, January 4, 2011

AN ISSUE OF A GOD KIND--The Church is Upside Down and Backwards

Before you scold me by saying, "But, Henry, I thought you were going to use AN ISSUE OF A GOD KIND to deal with the latest news headlines."  Let me say it this way.  The headlines in today's news is a direct result of this issue---THE CHURCH IS UPSIDE DOWN AND BACKWARDS. 
This past Sunday, our Pastor, Doug Patterson, at Islands Community Church, passed out a book that he wanted to church to read.  It is entitled "A 12-Month Guide to BETTER PRAYER."  It has 12 chapters and he suggested that we read at least one chapter per month.  I started last night and it will probably take me one month to fully digest the first chapter, "Prayer-It's Possibilities," by E. M. Bounds.  Wow!  Is it ever a kicker.  Find it at http://www.barbourbooks.com/.  Go to the tab that says "Best Sellers" and find it for $1.99. 
While reading this first chapter something dawned on me.  Jesus put more emphasis on prayer than on preaching and singing.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER did He ever give as much importance to ANYTHING ELSE as He did prayer.  He said "whatever" you ask and He said "anything" you ask in His name would be granted.  He never put that much emphasis on "whatever" you preach or "anything" you sing.  Yet, how many churches have broken apart because of the way somebody preached?  Here lately, how many churches have been torn apart because half of the congregation did not like the style of worship music that was being done?  I have NEVER heard of a single congregation torn apart because of too much prayer, too long of a prayer, or prayer of a different kind.  Why?  Because WE the CHURCH--His body (?)--put more emphasis on preaching and singing.  Yet, Jesus didn't.
Case in point.  How many of you have asked or have been asked, "Please come to our church.  Our preacher preaches real good."  Or, "Please come to our church.  Our worship team is out of sight."  I dare say NOBODY has ever stated, "WOW!  You should come to our church.  Our prayer service will knock your socks off."  WE have misplaced our priorities.  Jesus never said, "Preach in My name and......."  He also did not say "Sing in My name and......"  But, I do find an abundance of "Ask in my name and......."
Of course, this will be continued in the next several blogs.  Let me close by saying that the church has missed the most powerful part of a Christian's heritage by not praying.  Our churches have INDEED been turned upside down and backwards.  We have been rendered powerLESS instead of powerFUL because we continue to follow hard after the way that other churches have been been rendered powerless.
Mary, Queen of Scots, said this, "I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe."  Dear God.  If only this could be heard by the Body of Christ today.  If the church would put the emphasis on prayer that Jesus did, Russia, North Korea and Iran would be coming to the church instead of the lame United States government and start begging for us to stop.....our.......PRAYING.

Does anyone have the guts or grace to pass this on?  How about any comment.  Let's hear your views.  If you are not afraid to give them, I am not afraid to print them.

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