Wednesday, January 5, 2011

He is Who He says He is.

Let's talk about John 6:8-14.  Let's talk especially about verse 14.  This verse says that the men saw something that made them realize the hand of God in Jesus' life.  If you will remember, this is where Jesus fed the 5,000.
First of all, everybody there saw a great need.  Everybody there agreed that something needed to be done.  Philip answered with man's limitation, "Two hundred penny worth is not enough."  To prove to the world that Jesus is Who He says He is, we must, FIRST, admit to ourselves AND admit to Him that we do not know how to do it.  If you can figure out the answer, yourself, the unbelievers will say, "I could have figured out a better plan than that."  Our prayer SHOULD BE----"God, I need an answer bigger than myself.  I need YOUR answer."
That prayer will bring us to the second point.  There was a little boy, who upon hearing that Jesus had a need, responded by giving all that he had.  Please, please, please, get this point.  Jesus said that we could not enter into the kingdom of heaven unless we become like a little child.  This little boy had no idea of how enormous the problem was.  He certainly did not know what Philip knew.  How many children have said, "Mommy, I know how to buy something to eat, just write a check for it."  They've seen you do it time and time again.  They don't stop to think that money has to be put in the bank.  All this starry-eyed little boy knew was that Jesus had a need and he had something to give.
That brings us to the third point.  He gave EVERYTHING he had and turned it ALL over to Jesus.  Sometimes we fail to give our lives, or finances or our prayer to Jesus because WE THINK that it won't be enough.  In our finite minds, WE DECLARE that whatever we have is not enough to meet the need so, why bother.  The miracle to this story lies in this secret.  Verse 6 tells us that Jesus already had a plan before He ever asked the question to Philip.  While Philip was hem-hawing about trying to come up with a plan, the little boy got all excited.  (Can  you tell where this is going?)  This little boy got so-o-o-o-o-o excited about his five loaves and two fishes that he wanted to give them to Jesus without any thought of keeping anything for himself.  He got so excited, he had to run up to Andrew, pull on his robe, get his attention and tell Andrew that he, the little boy, had an answer.  The insurmountable details did not bother him.  He was EXCITED about what he had to give.  He was EXCITED that he could give something to Jesus.  Now the question.  When was the last time that we were excited about giving something, even something small, to Jesus?  There's a key of faith there, friends.  This little child was entering the kingdom of heaven by giving his all, and he was excited.
The fourth point.  He NEVER told Jesus what to do with it.  How many times have we TOLD Jesus how to do something.  REMEMBER, before, He ever lets us see the problem, He ALREADY has it worked out.  That's a kingdom key, right there.  Grown-ups can't see it.  Children can.  I can see his bright and cheerful smile.  Maybe he's jumping up and down as Jesus accepts his gift.  With joy he watches Jesus carry HIS lunch to a central location and listens as Jesus (still holding his lunch) begins to give orders.  Then, with his mouth wide open and his imagination running wild, he watches Jesus bless and break the bread (according to Mark 6) over and over and over and over and over and over again and again and again.  He never tried to tell Jesus what to do.  When he let go of his lunch, his hands were free to clap and wave around.  His hands were also empty enough to receive the abundant blessing.  Five small loaves and two small fishes might have been just barely enough to get him back to the house.  Now that he gave it all to Jesus with great joy, he enjoyed all that he wanted and had plenty left over. 
The fifth point.  The little boy took NONE of the honor for himself.  All  the glory went to Jesus.  Folks, people have seen enough of me and you.  People that are hurting and confused about life, need to see a real answer.  Real answers come when God's people who are called by His name, humble themselves and pray---"God, I give you my whole life.  Break me anyway you want to, but bless my life in such a way that they can see YOU.  Help them to be able to see that You are Who You say You are."
Pass this on.

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