Monday, January 24, 2011

Act On What You Know

1 John 5:14--And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
1 John 5:15--And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

The Greek word for faith is 'pistis.'  A more complete definition of the Greek word is--the conviction of the truth of anything.  Therefore, faith in God's Word would be defined as saying that we would have a deep conviction down in our heart that His Word is true.
In 1 John 5:14 and 15, we have this statement in God's Word that if we ask any thing according to God's will, He will hear us and whatever we ask we will receive.  Therefore, for us to even begin to pray and expect our prayers to be answered, we need to be convinced that what we are praying for is the will of God for us. 
How about salvation for our lost loved ones?  Then, John 3:16 comes into play.  "For God so loved the world....that WHOSOEVER.'  That sounds like everybody is included in the promise, even your mean and hateful loved ones, huh?  How about Saul of Tarsus?  I didn't look like he would be a likely candidate for salvation.  He hated Jesus.  He killed Christians and put them in jail.  He tore up homes.  Yet, God loved him enough to knock him off of his horse and save his soul.  We all preach that God is no respecter of persons.  Yep, you guessed it.  I've got unsaved loved ones that I am waiting for God to knock off their high horses and prove the He's God and they are not.  Yeah, but how about.....?  Is he in the world and does God love him?  That's all the answer that you need to be convinced of the truth that God will pursue him/her until the job is done.
However, me and you need to "pray and say" what God says about this matter. 1 John 5:14 says "And this is the confidence."  The Greek word for 'confidence' is 'parresia.'  The actual definition of this word is--free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, and boldness.  We could actually use this definition in that verse to give added meaning and depth to what it really says, like this.  "And this is the cheerful courage and boldness that we have in HIM,"
We have a habit of coming to God as if He was the greatest woose that ever lived.  It's like we believe that situations are bigger that He is.  We don't even ask Him because we don't believe Him.  I choose to believe Him over the things I see and am going through right now.  I choose to believe Him over the things that have been rattling along so far.  Abraham chose to believe God over his and Sarah's dead body.  Moses chose to believe God over the greatest ruler of the land and the doubt of the children of Israel.  Jesus chose to believe in the resurrection before and during the cross.  It makes a difference when you think about it that way, doesn't it?
How much time have you spent in prayer for the salvation of your loved ones?  Oh, by the way.  Are there sinners in our Congress?  Oh, well, then are there sinners that God loves in every branch of our government?  Yes, and God's will for them is to be saved.  1 John 5:14, 15 says that prayer needs to be made before answers come.
I'll write more tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Henry

    I have just been reading all your blogs. It really has been an encouragement. Thank you. I really enjoyed your 5 part series on what is God doing to me. I am an Australia businessman living in Fiji. I have been a full committed Christian for 20 years. Very focused on the poor and prison ministries. I am in the middle of a war and valley and have been for the past 5 years. I am in litigation with the bank as a plantiff. The lord has sustained me but what a really really really tough tough journey. My entire world has shrunk and diminished to nearly nought. The trial is coming to the end in a final trial in March 2011. After 20 years as a christian and 5 years in a hard valley I don't know if God will deliver me because I have seen sides of God that I never have experienced before and never thought that he would allow in my life. I really do not know what God is doing and I really cannot say that "he will deliver me" because I have come to the conclusion that no matter how hard I seek him, act in faith, fight the good fight, act on what I know of Him, I really do not know what he will or will not do. I so do not want my faith destroyed. I so want His word and promises to come to pass. I so want to say, "look what the Lord has done". I really feel down trodden and dismayed and wish this would end. Anyway thank you Henry. Maybe in heaven I will tell you the outcome of all of this. Cheers Brett


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