Friday, January 15, 2016

Never Thirst Again Part 2, Prelude to Danger

     Pursuant to my previous blog, let me caution my readers. It is dangerous to press in to the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Psalm 1 says that the person who meditates on the Word day and night is like a tree that is planted by the rivers of water, the Holy Spirit.

     The Psalm goes on to say that this Holy Word combined with the Holy Spirit in a person will bring forth a change. Instead of just being an ordinary limbs and leaves thingy, he will be transformed into a prosperous, fruit-bearing tree that will never wither. But that's not the danger.

     Instead of being like all of the other ordinary trees, this Word man Spirit drinker will morph. He will no longer be content to be like the other trees. The insides of him will begin to compel him to spread out his limbs and branches so he can produce more. As the demand grows, his roots will go deeper into the soil to quench his thirsting heart. His roots will get bigger and begin to soak up more Spirit water to feed the hunger of his fruit producing limbs. But that is not the danger.

     Instead of just bearing his fruit, with power and joy he will encourage more of the 'just trees' to drink deeply of that living water. More trees will experience the joy of 'never thirsting' as they, too begin to grow, sink down deeper roots and produce bigger and better fruit. But that is not the danger.

     Let me say at this point, there is no danger to a God-tree if it grows because of the Word and the Water of the Holy Spirit. That is what the God-tree was meant to do----drink deeply and produce abundantly.

     The danger is not to the God-tree but to the pure out ol' devil and his demons. As the God-tree produces food, others are fed and more are encouraged to do the same. Lives change and in turn become fruit producing God-trees sucking in the Holy Spirit. Others see the glorious change that goes on in the life of the God-tree, imitate it's actions and in turn stop being just normal.

     As for me, if it's going to cause the devil ANY grief at all, I'm going to drink deeper and more often than I have been. I want to put that disgusting slime ball out of business in my life, my home, my children, my church and the town God sent me to live in.

     So let me go on record as saying that I want to go on a God adventure that would make James Bond and his antics look like a cartoon. I have already begun prayer walking around my neighborhood as well as the streets of Savannah. What for? Well, why not? You gotta pray somewhere. I may as well walk through demon infested streets pleading the blood of Jesus over the powers of hell that run rampant.The idea is to trip some of them to where they turn loose of their sinful prey and I get a chance to win them to Jesus Christ.

     Let's drink up and stay thirsty my friend.

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