Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Don't Balk at Your Lessons. Learn to Finish Them

Gal 4:1--Now I say [that] the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all,
2--but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father.

It is true that out of all Jacob's sons, Joseph was unfairly persecuted by his brothers. Other than being a typical, overzealous younger brother and his father's favorite, there was nothing that he did to deserve the junk he had to endure for years. But, as we look to what Joseph was called by God to do, we realize that what he went through was just a training ground for him. God had a purpose for everything Joseph went through. He was  under tutors and governors until the time appointed by the Father. 

Think of it like this. None of the other brothers had to go through what he did. I dare say that no one in Egypt had to go through it either. HOWEVER, because Joseph remained faithful to God in ungodly circumstances, none of his brothers got the great blessing that he got, neither were they allowed to share in Joseph's prestige. They got to stay in a land that God had prepared for them alright. BUT, they didn't share in his position in the country or his continuous wealth. Joseph got the girl, the power, the castle AND he got to see his father until Jacob died.

Everybody forsook Jesus and left Him to suffer and die alone. Yes, this was prophesied. But, as Jesus remained an obedient Son under ungodly tutors and governors as well as to His Father, He received a resurrection no one else could share.

Think about it for a minute. When it seems like no one else shares the burdens you are under, no one else will share the glory of His blessings on you, either.

What about the time?  Paul, who also suffered greatly, declared from experience that the Father's time was an appointment. You know, like your doctor's appointment at 10:30. It is our Father's appointed time that he has set aside just to bless you like He's not going to bless anyone else around you?  Why not? Because, nobody else has had to go through what you are going through right now.

Live in His Grace, my friend.

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