Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Was Jesus Thinking?

     A couple of blogs ago, I mentioned the fact that Jesus' focused His heart on one thing.  He had His heart, mind and soul set on His Father's will for His life.  Let me reiterate the fact that God's will for Jesus was not JUST to die and rise again.  The main reason God sent His only begotten Son is found in Genesis 3:15 where God gave His Word to the serpent (the devil) as well as to Adam and Eve that the seed of the woman would one day bruise the head of the serpent.  Setting people free from the bondage of sin was uppermost in God's heart.  As Jesus spent hours and hours in His Father's presence, He took on His Father's heart and desires. 

     Notice I did not say He spent hours and hours in prayer.  There is a vast difference in praying and being in God's presence.  I can say that from personal experience.  There were times that I would just pray up a storm.  I said all the things that I had heard the saints before me say.  I did the things I had seen them do.  That got me nowhere.  It was just empty and vain repitition.  I soon developed a hunger for His presence whether I uttered a word of prayer or not.  My soul was hungry for Him.  THEN, my heart began to pour out in prayer instead of my head just uttering words.  There is a vast, vast difference. 

     Learn to wait on Him.  When you finally train your spirit to enter into His presence, you will enter a whole new world of prayer.  Prayer will come more frequently.  Prayer will be compelling.  Prayer will interrupt your day.  I have had prayer interrupt my sleep because the Father was calling me into His presence for a reason.  You will sense a dialogue between you and the Father.  Your attitude will change to His and it will be a sweet and wonderful process as you taste of His love and patience with you.

     Back to the subject.  It was absolutely necessary that Jesus be in daily contact with His Father.  It kept Him focussed on the Father's business.  Here's where we get down to the nitty gritty.  The Father's business was to release His man-child from the grips of sin, NOT for Jesus to be proven right all the time.  Saints, that one statement ought to be put on a sticky note and put on the fridge, the tv, the mirror or anywhere that it can be seen. 

     God's will is NOT for you and I to be proven right 100% of the time.  Does that hurt you?  When God dealt that to me, it sho' nuff hurt the stuffins out of me.  Jesus went around doing good and not evil.  He went around blessing people that did not deserve to be blessed.  But, His Father's heart made Him do it anyway.  Satan was the instigator of their sin, not the people themselves.  They were sold into slavery by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  The Father knew it and Jesus knew it.

     The religious schmucks that ruled the lives of the Hebrews in Jesus' day did not give Jesus credit for anything.  They called Him demon possessed, a glutton, a wine-bibber and a friend to sinners.  They accused Him of being everything under the sun but the Son of God which He was born to be.  They did not let Him into their clicks nor teach Him their secret handshake.  They talked about Him and to Him like He was the worst scum-bucket there ever was.  Let's keep in mind that satan was behind every word and action.  Despite all of this, Jesus kept His mind, heart and soul focussed on ONE thing.  Satan could instigate all that he wanted to.  Jesus knew that He knew that He knew that He knew that one day He would meet satan on satan's home turf but under His Father's rules.  His Father's rule was that Jesus would bruise His head and destroy satan's power over believers once and for all. 

     Therefore, all the things that should have bothered Him NEVER stayed in His mind or heart or soul for very long.  He meditated on God's Word day and night (Psalm 1).  He meditated on things that were true, honest, praise-worthy and just (Phil 4:8).  And in His mind He saw himself doing exactly what Gen 3:15 said He was going to do.  He put His anger, His hurt feelings and His desire for immediate justice aside because He knew that the day of vengance WOULD come (Deut 32:35).

     Let us think on the same things and be of the same mind.  Heaven, earth and our enemies will pass away, but God's Word and His promises are forever.  Let's think about that.


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