Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Put Me in Remembrance

From the KJV, Isaiah 43:26--Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.

First of all, I am still writing about Luke 18, the widow and the unjust judge.  Second of all, don't let this verse in Isaiah throw you.  God NEVER forgets.  However, His command in this verse is for us to stand before Him and tell His what His Word says.

If you study the Hebrew words and their meanings, you will find out that God is challenging His people to come before Him and present our case to Him as if we were in a court of law.  Various translations of the passage bring this out.  I.E., NKJV, NLT, NIV, NASB, RSV, ASV. 

Therefore, when Jesus began to teach His disciples about prayer in Luke 18, He appropriately picked a widow and an unjust judge as the two main characters.  The widow had the courage to continuously come to the judge with the same DEMAND, "Avenge me of my adversary."  It is obvious that she had been wronged, and it was obvious that she had a LEGAL right to make that particular demand.  If she had no legal leg to stand on, the judge would have put HER in prison for trying to make a fool out of him.  BUT, because she was persistent in presenting her case, he granted her petition.  NOT because he wanted to but because she was RIGHT in her request and he realised she was NOT going to stop coming to him. 

Our Heavenly Father does not ignore us and want us to go away as the unjust judge did.  Jesus made that clear.  What God wants to know in Luke 18 and Isaiah 43 is, do WE believe His Word.  Have WE forgotten about His promises?  God never will.  His challenge to us is for us to come before Him in prayer with the confidence that He WILL do what He said He would do.  We might have to come before Him, many, many times like Jesus suggested in Luke 18.  Isaiah 43 says for us to come to Him and plead our case so He can declare us innocent.

The MOST convicting evidence in an American court is the testimony of the accused.  The defense lawyer can present a very credible case of his innocence.  But, if in the middle of the trial, the accused stands up and states, "I have a confession to make, your Honor, I did it"  the judge will end the case by declaring him guilty.  God wants to know, do we love Him enough to remember His Word?  God wants to know do we love and trust Him enough to do what He promised?  The greatest of friendships (covenant relationships) is built on mutual love and trust.  John 3:16 equivocally states His love for us.  In Isaiah 43 and Luke 18, God wants to know from us just how much we love and trust Him.  We PROVE our love to God through how we pray to Him.  Have you ever looked at it that way?  Check it out in the scriptures and see if I'm telling you the truth.

In the coming blogs, I will be centering on God's promises and how to put them into prayer.  It's reminding us so we can remind him.  Be blessed in all you do today. 

Love, Henry

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