Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Transformed by What God Said

Romans 12:2--And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

We all have to admit that God says some pretty wild things. He told Abraham, at the age of 75, that he would father a multitude of children. On top of that, that they would come from his 69 year old wife. We know the story that Sarah only had one child, but on down through the years, one grew to be a multitude just like God said.
When the Hebrews were in Egyptian bondage, God said that He was going to set them free and GIVE them a land flowing with milk and honey. Sounds unvelievable, huh? We'll talk more about that later.
Let's talk about Abraham. Why did God wait 25 years just to give him ONE child? Because, by that time, it was impossible for man to do it. Was He mad at Abraham for some reason? No. Is God just a real mean God and doesn't like to see people happy? On the contrary, He sent His Son so that our joy could be full. (John 16:24) Then, why in thunder does God do goofy stuff? Because He is trying to show that He is able to do anything for His children. He is proving to Abraham AND HIS DESCENDANTS that He is well able to do whatever He promises.
Here is something that I have never heard preached or taught or even talked about. See if you have. When Isaac began getting to an age where he could reason, he started looking at all of the young men and young women who were having children. He looked at married couples 69 and 75 years old and figured out that they didn't have children, much less a couple in their 90's. Reasoning would have yelled out at Isaac, "Hey, there really is something to this God stuff my Dad has been preaching to me." When his daddy took him up to a mountain to sacrifice him and the angel stopped Abraham and talked to him, Isaac must have thought, "Hey, there really is something to this God stuff my Dad has been preaching to me." And all that Abraham did, was believe what God said instead of what it looked like. God said that was the righteous thing to do. (Rom 4:3, Gal 3:6, Jam 2:23) By not conforming to the world's way of doing things and saying what God said, Abraham transformed not only his life but TRANSFORMED HIS CHILDREN'S LIVES, ALSO. How about it mom's and dad's? Is standing on the Word of God worth the lives and souls of your children? I reckon so.

God said something pretty nifty to the Hebrews in Egyptian bondage. He told them that He would bring them out with great prosperity and them give them their on plot of land in Canaan that they and their children could own. All of this was well and good until they sent 12 spies into the land just to see how good it really was. They all agreed that the land was a good land just like God said. However, 10 of them said that there were giants in the land and that THEY ARE STRONGER THAN WE ARE. Duh! Of course they were. God already told them that they would be and not to panic. So this doesn't really rate a Fox News Alert. They must not have been paying attention to the rest of what God said. He said that He would drive their enemies out. He told them specifically that, with His help, they would conquer seven nations stronger than they were.
Here's the jist of the conversation.
Num 13:30--And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. Num 13:31--But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they [are] stronger than we.
Now, which ones are conformers and which ones are transformers. The 10 spies were being conformed by what they saw. That is extremely dangerous when you begin contradicting what God has said. Long story short. Caleb and Joshua agreed with God and started thinking and talking what God said. They got what God said they could have. It took them 40 years plus five years of battle, but they got the land of their dreams. Not only that, but Mt. Hebron belonged to Caleb's children, grandchildren, etc,. etc. By what he went through and stood for, Caleb proved what is that good and perfect will of God to his children. Thanks, Dad.
How about the 10 conformists. They were conformed by what they saw and died with unfulfilled
desires. They were miserable, cantankerous and rebellious and left no hope for their children. Their children had to believe the Word of God for themselves. Thanks for nothing, Dad.
Is praying for and believing God for revival worth it? You bet. Are you willing to step out on a limb and believe His Word instead of what you see? I hope so. When you refuse to conform and you believe in the transforming power of God, God will prove to you AND YOUR CHILDREN that He is a God worth serving.

Happy loving,


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