Thursday, July 5, 2018

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 Henry Standard Version

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 Henry Standard Version--There only APPEARS to be several factions fighting for supremacy in this great nation of ours. However, there are only two. I, and thousands of others like me, are harnessed to the unbeatable power of the Creator. (Although millions may claim it only a few of us actually use it.) We don't fight and yell and wreak havoc to garner the attention of TV crews and newspaper reporters like the losers do. We stand firm, clothed with the indestructible armor of God. We unsheathe the strongest weapon of all, The Sword of the Lord which is the Word of God. Although we spend hours in our hidden bunker of our prayer closet, we are strengthened by the FACT that our time is not wasted. NOTHING on this earth has the ability or power to stop God's Word from coming to pass, just like God said it would in Isaiah 55:11. When I see rebelliousness from the losers in the news, I just hold out my shield of faith and remind the devil that God's Word is unstoppable. But that's no news to him, he's been aware of that all of his sin-shortened life. Change is coming. Prayer Warriors like me all around the globe are fed up with the way things are going and we are making full use of the God weapons that have been made available to us. Join us today and reap with us the most glorious prize of all--lost souls coming to a loving Savior. #prayer warrior

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