Thursday, October 29, 2015

Who is the Biggest?

1 John 4:4--NIV--You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Several months ago, God gave me a distinct challenge from this scripture. While I was meditating on it, He began talking to me about it. First of all He asked me did I really believe it? I assured Him that I did with my whole heart. Then came a challenge that I had never heard before. And, it changed my thinking and therefore my praying. His challenge to me was that if I really believed that the Greater One lived within me-------that I should start thinking like it, start talking like it and start praying like it. Needless to say, that got to me and changed me.

Paul said virtually the same thing in Romans 12:2--KJV--And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I would spend time just thinking about the phrase "greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world." I would think those words over and over and over. I would pray them to God throughout the day. Little by little the daily problems didn't seem to worry me as much as they used to. My inner man was being encouraged. My prayers began to take a different tone. Instead of pleading or cajoling God through prayer I began to praise Him in advance for two things. #1--God saw this stuff happening before I did. #2--Therefore, if He saw them coming before they appeared to me, then obviously He had a plan to get me out of it.

What else happened? That old "Oh well" attitude I used to have turned into a "That's not going to bother me. God obviously has it under control" statement of faith. Instead of falling down in rejection I stood firm and declared my confidence in God to move in my favor. Meditation on His Word was transforming my inner man to become a prayer warrior. And it will do the same to you.

Pray with Me:

Father, I boldly declare that You are the Almighty God and that there is none above you. I believe that the power of Your words control the universe and all that dwells in it. In Jeremiah 32:27 you asked, "Is there anything too hard for Me?"

I know that there is nothing wrong with You. I know that the problem is with us. Teach us the value and the depth of this privilege called prayer. Show us how to pray with passion and with purpose. Give us visions of what can be accomplished with prayer.

Satan we bind you in Jesus' Name and declare that you are ineffective against us any more. We declare your power over us, our family and our city to be broken by the spoken Word of God and ratified by the blood of Jesus Christ. We declare that our families are off limits to you and your evil schemes.

We refuse to allow you to have access into our minds and our hearts. We are constantly going to be meditating on the Word of God and it is transforming us into the miracle workers God ordained us to be. Your days of ruling us in fear are over.

Jesus, we declare that Your blood has set us free from all the powers of evil that are trying to run rampant. We know that You have heard our prayers because we have asked according to what the Word of God has promised. We know that right now Your great love and power are setting things in motion to bring us the things that we have asked You for.

Carry us deeper into this realm in Jesus' Name Amen.

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