Friday, February 24, 2012

The Wrong Mandate

     The newspaper headlines are filled with discussion about President Obama's mandate on birth control availability.  For one, where does he come off issuing a 'mandate' to the American people to 'aid' in their birth control?  What ever happened to the 'Just Say No' mandate that God placed inside every right thinking man and woman?  That is the original 'birth control.'
     I was taught in school that public officials were elected to represent us.  Let me see the hands of those out there that President Obama called to see if he should mandate birth control availability.  That's what I thought.
     Not only the President, but a lot of the ladies and gentlemen in Congress never seek the advice of the people who elected them to office.  Two statements:  Number One--We the voters just give them a pass and never hold them accountable for their actions or lack thereof.  Number Two, and the biggest shame--We the Christians fail to exercise a greater power than our vote, the Power of Prayer.
     Mary, Queen of Scots, is quoted as saying, "I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the standing armies of Europe."  One man crying out to God changed the course of many peoples lives and scared the reigning monarch.  Was that kind of prayer for just that time period?  Was it just for one man?  Was it only to be used to bring one person (Mary) under conviction?
     If you would take a look through church history, every successful revival began with earnest prayer.  The possibilities of corporate prayer are endless.  From The Voice New Testament we find, John 14:14-Let me say it again: if you ask for anything in my name, I will do it.  That's kind of point blank, isn't it. It throws the burden of answered prayer on the back of the ones that are to be praying.
     This in an election year and it would be an opportune time to get some Godly people in office.  If you haven't already, let's get down to business with God and begin asking in His name to bless His candidate for office.  Let's ask Him to make it plain to us who He wants there and let all the others fall by the wayside.  

Prayer---it is God's mandate for His people.

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