Friday, February 3, 2012

Pray For Eko and Eko

Java Evangelism

We had a good visit with Eko MU and Eko PL, pictured above on the campus of our Java Bible College on Friday. These two first born sons (hence the name Eko - number one) will spend at least the next six month serving in evangelism, discipleship and fellowship formation on the Mentawai barrier islands off the western coast of the central section of Sumatra. They will join Meikron who as been there since the end of 2010.

We have discussed a strategy with them, which we pray will lead to a rapid proliferation of house fellowships among these people who are now targeted by many Muslims for the spread of their faith. Pray for them to be spiritually and morally strong (temptation reportedly are especially rampant in Mentawaian society which has become extreme promiscuous). In the words of Meikron, "There are a lot of wives of Potiphar here."

Today Eko and Eko fly from Semarang to the provincial capital. From there this they will travel by ferry to Sikakap in Mentawai over night. We are encouraging the worker in Mentawai as elsewhere to develop small kingdom businesses that will help their neighbors economically, and provide the income they need to support their work.

Pray for them to be consistent in sharing the Gospel with any one, any where, any time! This is their commitment now! Pray for believers to be quickly immersed into Christ, gathered in to fellowships and immediately equipped to share their faith and to facilitate new groups.

Pray for key people to emerge from the early believers: people who will do as the woman at the well in John 4 did, and bring others to Jesus immediately upon faith. Pray for wisdom on behalf of the team in seeking and equipping these key individuals.

We have recently come across great training materials for these goals which we have shared with the Mentawai team and others. Pray for consistent application with total reliance upon the Lord. We expect a harvest. Jesus wants a harvest. Pray for a harvest, big, quick and expansive!

Until all have heard,

Dennis and Lynn

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