Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Kickbutt-er and the Kickbutt-ee

     Several times in my blogs, I have made reference to Gen 3:15.  In my last blog I talked about God 'savouring' His statement down through the ages.  In the light of the title of this blog, it was the Kickbutt-er making a promise to the kickbutt-ee.  Yes, I know I have a different way of putting things but is that what eventually happened.  To think of this promise and use some of the common language of the day puts a different slant on this story and the stories of those who have held on to the promises of God.  Walk with me and indulge me for a few moments.

     Joseph developed a good spirit after he was sold into slavery, lied about and wound up in prison.  He kept a good attitude because he earnestly believed the promises of God that had been handed down from Abraham to Isaac and to his father, Jacob.  He knew that the Kickbutt-er would one day step in and take care of the kickbutt-ee (s).  His faith that God would take care of business left him free to develop a Godly attitude that won him the favor of all that were around him.  When the Kickbutt-er stepped in, he got a jim-dandy-peachy-keen promotion and the pretty girl to marry, too.

     The Kickbutt-er promised the shepherd boy, David, that he would be king.  David trusted the Kickbutt-er to do what He said even though he faced a giant and had to run from an angry king.  A couple of times, David had the opportunity to kill his enemy.  His cohorts argued with him to take advantage of the situation.  However, David held to the fact there was a Kickbutt-er that was fully able to take care of the kickbutt-ee in His own time.

     I was searching the Internet one day and came to a place that had a copy of a letter that Pilate had sent to Caesar about the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.  Pilate related that when he pressed Jesus about testifying by saying that he had the power to free Jesus, that Jesus looked at him eye-to-eye.  He stated that when Jesus said that Pilate had no power over Him except what His father let him have, he was completely unnerved by Jesus' calm.  To use the terminology of this blog, Jesus asserted that He was on the side of the Kickbutt-er and that the Kickbutt-er was going to take care of business with the kickbutt-ee.  Read it for yourself in John 19:11. 

     When Jesus should have been shaken, He became the calm and collected-----shaker.  How many times are we the---shaken--- by the circumstances we face?  Or, by the people who come against us?  Or by what we read in the newspaper or watch on TV.  Christians let our faith rise again in the eternal Word of the Almighty God.  Let's quit being the "shaken" and opt out by being the cool, calm, and collected "shakers" of our enemies.  Let's hold fast to the promises and wait on the Kickbutt-er.  Look the kickbutt-ee calmly in the face today and say, "You have NO power over me but what my Father allowed you to have."  In my last blog, Jesus, in essence was trying to get that across to Peter.  He was not worried about His death.  The Kickbutt-er was with Him and He was destined to go to where the kickbutt-ee was and watch His Father take care of business.

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