Thursday, December 29, 2011

God's Promises/God's Destinations by God's Designs

     Every one of God's promises for us is His destination for our lives.  And, He is fully capable of getting us there no matter what the situation is or might become.  Take salvation, for instance.  When you accept Jesus as your Savour, your future destination is Heaven.  It makes no difference what the nations do, how somebody mistreats you, what anybody thinks about you, who believes it or doesn't believe it.  God WILL take you to Heaven.  That is guaranteed.  We all know it.  The question is settled.  We know that all that is necessary to make it to Heaven is to get saved and stay saved.  The rest, we have been taught, is left up to God.
     The greatest majority of the readers of this blog have children.  I am sure that we have all had the same questions posed to us as we take our children on a journey.  "Are we there yet?  When will we get there yet?  Why not?"  Younger children have a difficult time trying to cope with mileage and hours.  On the other hand, we wise and intelligent adults know HOW to get there, HOW long it will take as well as WHICH DIRECTION we need to be going in.  It would relax a lot of nerves if we could get our children to understand the concept and just chill out, take a nap or wait until we get there.
     Jesus said that we need to become like little children if we wanted to enter the kingdom of Heaven.  Notice He said "little" children.  We actually should be like children who have no concept of time and mileage.  Our needs met according to His riches in glory is a destination.  Many times it is not the 'right now,' is it?  We want to know when will our sicknesses be gone.  When will we be over it?  Every promise of God is a destination that God is bound by His Word to get us to.  He is the One who knows when we will be there.  We need to chill out, take a nap or wait until we get there.
     But, because we are not there yet, we tend to moan and groan and look on the negative side of every thing.  When we are on a trip, we would love for our children just to sit back and enjoy the ride.  It would be wonderful for them to talk to each other, talk to us, play games or sing.  Our Heavenly Father is the same way.  He would rather talk to us instead of trying to explain to us why it is taking so long to answer our prayer.  We wouldn't understand if He were to try to tell us.  Remember, the last blog in Isaiah?  His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts (or plans) are higher than ours.  It is no wonder why He doesn't try to explain them to us.  We still wouldn't understand and still ask, "Are we there, yet."
      Trust the Father.  He has a specific plan for you.  The journey to His promised destination will go by faster and easier when we enjoy Him and make up our minds to enjoy the ride.

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