Sunday, October 30, 2011

Control Your Destiny

       My previous blog dealt with the only two choices that we have as outlined in Deuteronomy, chapter 30.  When we make a conscientious decision to follow hard after God, some people would think that we relinquish control of our lives.  On the contrary, I would say that we are in complete control of our destiny when we maintain our faithfulness to Him.  Are we going to go through some times that we don't understand?  Yes.  Are we going to go through some places that make us uncomfortable?  Yes.  Are we going to go through some places that that will "look like" we have missed it?  Absolutely.  Is everybody going to be in agreement with us in our decisions?  Absolutely not.  And, if they did, that would be reason for us to re-evaluate our walk with the Saviour.

     Let's look at some "looks likes."  God promised Abraham children more numerous than the stars and the sand.  He told him this when he was basically too old to have children.  Some of you who know this story could say, "Aha, brother.  Here's a contradiction.  Sarah convinced Abraham to have a child by her handmaiden, Hagar.  He missed it, didn't he?"  Indeed he did.  BUT, he was still in control of his destiny.  He chose to go about having children like he and Sarah thought it should be done.  Remember, they made the choice.  That choice controlled not only their destiny, it controlled the destiny of the children of Israel even to this day.  From that one mis-step, rose a nation that constantly fought against God and His people.  Yes, Abraham and Sarah controlled their destiny by their actions.

     However, they repented and followed hard after God.  Therefore, they controlled their destiny.  A child WAS born to them when it looked impossible.  A child WAS born to them when nobody else believed that it could or would happen.  Against all odds, they controlled their destiny by trusting God and God came through.  Even after they passed away, God kept His Word to Abraham and brought a Redeemer of all mankind through him.

     As we have discussed before, ALL THROUGHOUT Jesus' ministry, he was surrounded by doubts, fears, and jeers.  His family didn't believe Him.  The religious leaders jeered and fought against Him.  Many, many times His own disciples couldn't bring themselves to believe Him. 

     How about the apostle Paul?  In 2 Corinthians the 11th chapter, he talks about the hardships that he went through.  Shipwrecks, imprisonments, and perils would have made it seem that Paul "missed it."  Now, think about it.  Paul controlled his own destiny by following hard after God.  These things did not come his way because he "missed it."  Rather, they came his way because he "got it."  You control your destiny by complete and loving obedience to the will of God for your life.  In essence, (see previous blog) you have chosen life and blessing.  Sure you have to go through the "valley of the shadow of death" sometimes.  Of course, some people won't understand.  Naturally, some people will decry you as a sinner.

     Let's take some advice from these heroes.  Of Abraham it is said four times in the Bible--"Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness."  Jesus prayed for God's will to be done and not His.  He also said in John 14--Let not your heart be troubled.  Paul said, in Romans 8--All things work together for GOOD.  He said in 1 Thessalonians 5--In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God for you.  There are many other examples I could give to you. 

     The bottom line is that all of these that held to the Word of God, controlled their destiny.  Abraham got the multitudes of children which included the Saviour.  Jesus healed and delivered many.  He also rose from the dead and ascended back to the glory He originally had with the Father.  He didn't lose a thing.  Through all the discouraging things that Paul went through, churches were started, people were saved and a good part of the New Testament was written.  You could also say that the heritage of these three continue to be manifested today.

     Our enemies control their own destiny also.  Let them miss it.  That's their choice.  If they choose to hate us, they control their destiny and God is faithful.  If they choose to hinder us and withhold what is in their hand to do us good, they control their destiny and God will show Himself faithful.  Whatever the decisions of the unrighteous are, we can be assured that they are controlling their own destiny whether they know it or not.  They probably won't get what they thought they would get.  But, our God is faithful.  Let's rejoice in Him.

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