Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Time to Man-up Christians!

This picture first appeared in the Rocky Mountain News in 2005. A powerful account of the circumstances behind this picture can be found at the following location:
Terri Rager has graciously permitted me to share this link to her blog that describes the entire story. She has put together a fantastic blog that honors several of our fallen heroes. It would be worth your time, not only to read this story but browse through the others she has honored on her page.

In a nutshell, Katherine Cathey asked to be allowed to sleep next to the body of her late husband, 2nd Lt. James Cathey, for the last time. She was four months pregnant with their son when he was killed in action in Iraq. I am sure I was not the only one brought to tears.

When I first saw this picture and read this story, I wanted to write a scathing blog that berated the perpretrators of a despicable act that started this war. However, as I began to meditate on the war, it's cause, it's result and the current condition of the United States, I began to see the real enemy skulking in the background. Actually, this enemy isn't skulking. In some ways, this enemy is standing unashamedly in the forefront.

The enemy I see is the lazy Christian. I realise that I had been looking at one in the mirror every day. We serve the faithful and Almighty God. We have the priviledge to call upon the name that is above every name. We have been given the priviledge to call upon the Almighty God through the name of His Son, Jesus, in a form that is known as "prayer."

If we had prayed harder for a life-changing, world-wide revival, could 9/11 been avoided? Could grid-lock in our government be broken? Could our current financial crisis come to a Godly end? Without looking it up, does the Bible say that all things are possible to those who believe?

Christians, we need to man-up to the challenge before us. Prayer is useless if we never pray. Prayer is powerless unless we believe. If all things are possible to the believer, then, let's dare to believe God for great things. Let's dare to 'come boldly' before Him. If the 'bold' prayer is never prayed, the 'bold' answer will never come. Let's Man-up, Christians.

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