Saturday, February 26, 2011



Tithing by Douglas Leblanc: Book Cover

By Douglas Leblanc

When I first looked at this book, I thought it might contain quite a bit of theological teaching on the subject of tithing. Everyone knows that anything more than five pages of theology on any one subject could be the best sleeping pill man has come up with. It had one hundred and fifty two pages of teaching on the subject. However, the teaching came from the actual life experiences of individuals.

Not all of these individuals were born tithers. Some had never been taught the subject within the framework of their church. Some had heard it but had never put it into action. Some had never heard about it all until failure came knocking at their door. However, all of them became successful in their endeavors when they decided to answer God’s only “Prove Me” challenge in the Word of God.

For example, the Mathewes-Greens were tithers. The challenge to their faith came when they entered seminary. Their drop in income brought them to grips with some tough decisions. Their testimony still stands that tithing was the key to their success.

I found some common ground with Jerry and Stacey Kramer. In their story, they admitted that they “worshipped” Blockbuster and Domino’s Pizza. After Katrina hit, they went through some tremendous struggles. Instead of leaving the area, they had the courage and tenacity to buckle down and bring healing to a ravaged area. Tithing, again, was part of their faith that brought them through.

Mr. Leblanc did a great job of chronicling the doubts and fears of several others in his book. I saw them successfully face some of the things that I have faced in my life. It brought me renewed courage as I read this book.

Booksneeze sent me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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