Sunday, December 19, 2010

AN ISSUE OF A GOD KIND--Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Now, you may think that this bill was about Christians.  The way most Christians live, they don't want anyone to ask them whether they are a Christian and they sure enough don't want to tell anyone that they serve the Lord.   And, by the way they live their lives, whether on the job, the market place, or the home you still couldn't tell if they were Christians or not.  The real shame about 'closet' Christians is that people who are hurting way down inside are the same way.  They try to hide it because some will tend to think they are weak.  The 'hurting' are the ones that need to be able to see the real Jesus coming out from our hearts.  Everyone of us who claim the name of Jesus need to pray every morning---God, be real in me today and bring me into contact with someone that I can show the real Jesus to.

The Congress voted to repeal the "Don't ask, don't tell" law.  Folks this is not an issue for our Congress to decide or not.  This is an "Issue of a God kind." Psalm 139:13-16 tells us that God knows who and what we are from the very moment of conception.  (Look out abortion folks, the Word of God stands against you, too.)  The book of Genesis talks about God making humans as 'male and female.'  He didn't make them 'male with a few hang-ups,' or 'females with an attitude.'  The issue is not with our government or with any part of society.  It is an issue between an individual and an Almighty God that that individual will have to resolve either on this side or on the other side of eternity.

Does God hate and abhor those with issues with Him?  Absolutely not.  And, Mr. or Ms. Christian if you look down upon others with disdain, you have issues with an Almighty God, too.  God loves that person(s) so much that He sent His Son to die in their place.  You need to display His agape love to them. 

In summary, I say that it is the Christians that should repeal their own personal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' law and come out of their closet.  What do you say?

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