Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Book Review

The Jesus Inquest by Charles Foster

You may have heard people arguing the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you have, you have probably heard some very interesting and intelligent statements. And, then again, you might have heard some really dumb ones. Charles Foster is a barrister, the British version of an American lawyer. From the way he has written this book, I would say that he must be an excellent barrister.

In the very beginning of the book, he tells you that he will give the arguments concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ from both sides. He calls them X and Y. Being the brilliant barrister that he is, he amasses every conceivable fact possible for both the prosecution as well as the defense. Being a former pastor, I thought that I had heard every argument. How wrong I was!

In each chapter, the prosecution against the resurrection would go first. He was so good at presenting facts and arguments, that I was not quite sure how good his defense was. However, when it came time for the defense to offer a rebuttal, he was equal to the task if not greater.

I like chapters seven and eight the best. Chapters one through six were evenly argued. But, in seven and eight, the defense absolutely destroyed the prosecution and laid out the believer’s case for the resurrection in no uncertain terms. Even this former pastor learned several things. This book will be on the front of my bookshelf. I will refer to those chapters again and again.

Booksneeze has supplied me with a copy of this book in return for my review.

1 comment:

  1. Henry,
    Very many thanks for your kind comments. Much appreciated.
    All best wishes.
    Charles Foster


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