Saturday, June 5, 2010

God is Still Working

Today, I cleared out a place in my back yard and planted some rose starts that I had propagated.  About a month and a half ago, I had cut these starts from a white rose bush that I have in the front yard.  I had looked on the internet and found some instructions on how to do it.  So, I followed the instructions and, boy-howdy, it worked.  Now, I am following those same instructions with some cuttings from a red rose bush in my front yard.  In a month or so, I'll be in the back yard again, clearing out a place for two more rose bushes.  All because I followed the instructions.
I know that I am not a rocket scientist.  Some of you have done the very same thing with the same results.  But, what makes those instructions work?  God's design makes it work that way.  Those same instructions work on many different plants.  And, they work over and over and over again.  God designed those particular plants to work that way.  We all know that it is an absolute mystery as to how and why it happens the way it does, but we accept the fact as the truth.
It's just like the Word of God.  Jesus called the Word of God a seed.  He said that if you planted it on good and fertile ground, that it would produce.  Anyone who has grown anything from seeds knows that there is a process that a seed goes through before it matures.  After I got through preparing the soil, digging the holes and planting the starts, I walked away with this thought in mind.  "I am just going to wait and let God's process work."  Can I make the plants hurry up?  Can I make the white roses grow red? 
In a garden spot in my back yard, I planted corn, pole beans, two type of tomatoes and squash.  Did I go out the next morning and harvest two bushels of vegetables?  Nope.  I HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE PROCESS THAT GOD DESIGNED TO DO EXACTLY WHAT GOD DESIGNED IT TO DO.  Guess what?  His Word works the same way, whether it's for salvation for a loved one, healing, financial help or whatever.  His Word is DESIGNED or EMPOWERED to prosper.  Look at Isaiah 55:11--So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it.
Don't give up on God just because you don't see your prayers being answered right away.  God has a time for His Word to produce fruit.  I wish I could hurry it but I can't.  BUT, if I will be patient and cling to His promise......just like the seed..........NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT GOD HAS DESIGNED.
Be blessed in this day, my friends.

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