Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Why Does God Have To Make The Road So Rough?

In my last blog, I compared our walk by faith to a road trip. In Psalms 37:23, David said that the steps of a good man were ordered of God. Each day that goes by is like the mile markers on the interstate. When most of us take a trip, we pretty much know how many miles it is, how long it will take and how much gas we will use. With everything that we think we'll need, we begin our journey.

However, our walk by faith is never smooth sailing. God never promised us smooth sailing. Look closely at what Jesus said in John 16:33. He starts off by saying, "These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace." Now, that's a great verse to shout about, isn't it? Yeah, Jesus, You're gonna just smooth things out for us, aren't You? U-h-h-h-h, nope.

The next part of that verse brings us back to reality. You know.....life the way it really is. "In the world ye shall have tribulation." This is more like it, isn't it? All of us have had more trouble than we really want. Sometimes it seems like we go from one bad thing to another. And, all too often, we constantly expect something bad more than we expect something good to happen. C'mon, say Amen.

Is it so hard to believe the rest of the verse? Jesus said for us to cheer up when those tribulations sideswipe and t-bone us. Now He does make a statement that we merely read and seldom heed. He told us to cheer up because He overthrew satan's power that brought the tribulation. Instead of mulling over all the tribulation we face, we should be thinking about God's power blowing every demon force in hell to smithereens.

Let's remember Paul's life and writings for a moment. If anyone ever went through enough tribulations to make you want to quit it was the Apostle Paul. Paul was beaten, jailed, cursed, stoned and left for dead and kept on going. Lots of people got saved, healed and delivered and a lots of others got together and run him out of town. So you think that God's mean to you, huh? Old Paul asked the Lord three times to remove his 'thorn in the flesh' but what did God say? God told Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that His grace was sufficient for Paul because God's strength was manifested in Paul's weakness.

Did you catch that? And did you catch a glimpse of what is on God's mind when He allows us to go through tribulation? God ALWAYS put Paul in a situation that Paul had no way of getting through unless the awesome power of God came on the scene.

Paul was able to pass down to us his secret recipe for success but I bet most of you never caught it. Look at 1 Corinthians 10:13. "There hath no temptation taken you but such as common to man:" Stop right there. You are not UNcommon and you are not going through anything UNcommon. Quit thinking that God made up some special kind of hell just for you to go through. What you are going through right now is normal and you are normal. Get over whatever you have to get over. Quit wallowing around in the pig pen of self pity and act like a blood-bought, Holy Ghost filled child of the living God for once. It'll do you good.

The next thing that verse says is, "But God is faithful." Don't start with your, "Yeah, He's always faithful to let something come along and knock me down just when I got to climbing up higher. I knew something would come along like that." You know why I don't want to hear that? Because that's exactly what I USED to say. For years I celebrated my own little pity party. Thank God I finally quit and put away the balloons. They were flat anyway.

Let's read the rest of that verse before I comment. "Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it." God has the devil on a short chain. The devil is NOT free to do with you as he sees fit. Mr. Ugly has to have God's permission to throw some bad stuff on us. If God says 'No' then he can't.

God carefully measures every one of us before He lets the devil go after us. Just like He did with Job, God WILL NOT allow the devil to have free reign in our lives. He always has a stopping point to the torment. He draws a line and the devil can't cross it. Besides, it's only with God's permission that the schmuck can work against us anyhow.

Here's something you might not have ever seen before. "But will WITH THE TEMPTATION make a way of escape." Did you catch that? Before God gives His permission for the devil to come after us, He has already planned a blessing greater than the trial. Did you hear me?

After Job seemingly lost everything except his nagging wife and three gossiping friends, God blessed Job with TWICE as much as he lost. That was God's plan. Jeremiah said that God is planning things for our good. Yes, Job went through torment but it didn't kill him. He lived all the way through it. AND he wound up with twice as much as he had before.According to Paul, God had the blessing ready for Job before the devil ever threw the first punch.

Yeah, but what about the trouble after trouble after trouble that Paul had all of his life. Is that all you see? You must not have read your Bible. Paul reached the lost. He started churches that thrived on the power of God. He operated in the realm of healing and special miracles. How long did the beatings last? An hour? How long was the power of God poured out? Weeks, months and years. And the power of God is still moving in our lives today because of what Paul did and wrote. I would say that it was a little bit of turmoil that turned into millions upon millions of blessings.

1 Thessalonians 5:18--KJV--In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. This was Paul's secret plan of attack in the Philippian jail. They prayed and sang praises to God at midnight after they had been beaten for the cause of Christ. The praises to God IN everything was the right thing to do. It brought them joy and it brought them freedom. And, the jailer got saved and his family. No doubt some of the prisoners converted, too. The pain and embarrassment that the went through melted away at the revival and ultimate victory that God gave them.

When the devil comes after you pay as much attention to him as you would to a yapping little dog that was tied up to his owners porch. If you stand there paralyzed in fear, you will always be stopped by the incessant barking. But, if you will walk on toward the next mile marker and praise God with all of your heart, that dog will stop because he sees he can't keep you scared.

One more verse, Psalm 8:2--NIV--Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

Now stop crying and start praising God for a new life of power, victory and joy that He's been wanting to pour out on you.

Monday, June 29, 2015

God Takes Us Step by Step

Psalm 37:23--(KJV)--The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way.

This past Saturday, I drove a church bus from Savannah to the Jacksonville International Airport to pick up some people who were returning from a missions trip to Chicago. While traveling down there I had my mind on this scripture. It was what I was going to teach on the next day, (Sunday).

As I watched the mile markers pass by, a different meaning began to take shape. I started my journey on I-95 at mile marker #94. Naturally the next mile marker was #93 and so on to the Florida border. These were measured steps that got me from one place, and to another, and to another, and to another, until it finally got me to my destination. And, they were all ordered.

That's when it dawned on me that God's path to our answered prayer is much the same way. When we ask in faith and believe we receive the answer when we pray, (Mark 11:24) God puts us on an orderly and measured pace to get to our destination.

Jeremiah 29:11--NLT--I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

God has things all planned out for those of us who commit our lives to follow Him. The question is, do we want to move forward with Him and are we willing to follow the planned path He has established for us?

After we believe and start traveling on our way to our answered prayer, God leads us to and through places where it just does not look like He knows what He's doing. Sometimes it even looks like He is taking us in reverse. Sometimes it looks like He was just kidding when He said He would meet all of our needs according to His riches in glory.

Sometimes, there is pain on the journey. Sometimes people do their best to discourage us. Situations come up that we never counted on. People let us down that we thought would stand with us through anything. Of course, there are those people that watch us go through some bit of misery and encourage us to give up and declare that God is dead.

God never promised us that the way to an answered prayer would be easy, but He DID say that He would give us the things that we asked for. He never said there wouldn't be discouraging times or that you would never meet discouraging people, but He did say the He would give us the things that we asked for.

Rolling down I-95 was pretty boring. There were a lot of trees and bushes and creeks and bugs. As a matter of fact there were more trees and bushes and creeks and bugs than there was Jax International Airport. But that was the boring path that I needed to take if I ever wanted to get to that airport, pick up those homeward bound missionaries and get them back to Savannah.

If we honestly serve God, then we need to understand that He has us on a path that He understands a whole lot more than we do. He sees a lot farther down the road than we do and has it all planned out. All we need to do is patiently follow each step just like I had to go past every mile marker before my journey was over.

Sometimes we get discouraged, but we must not give up. We WILL get to the destination if we don't stop. Sometimes we meet with unexpected problems but keep on going. Every day means that you are one day closer to your miracle or your need being met.

Just like mile marker after mile marker, God takes us on our journey one step at a time. He is right there with us each step we take. He planned your trip for you and has promised you a good destination. Learn to enjoy walking with Him each day and the trip will become much shorter.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

When Will Our Land Be Healed?

2 Chronicles 7:14--(KJV)--If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We've all quoted this scripture and many of us have preached it from time to time. Still our land is not healed. Sin abounds. Hatred surrounds us. Things look like they're getting worse and not better. It's that way all over the earth and not just here in the United States. There are many faithful readers of this blog from all over God's created earth that are going through the same things and even more. We could spend hours talking about the atrocious way the enemy has unleashed his ungodly demons on mankind. But, let me have a few moments of your time to help us see this scripture a little deeper.

Shall humble themselves and pray:  As I alluded to in my last blog, I firmly believe that the church has lost the Godly order of our services. Jesus put more emphasis for the need for us to pray than He did for us to sing. Yet, singing takes up a major part of our services. There would be a marked difference in our gatherings if 10-15 minutes of our singing was given over to corporate prayer.

God told us to humble OURSELVES and pray. It wouldn't take Him too long to humble any one of us. His Holy Spirit could swoop down and put a burden of prayer on us that would cause us hours of crying out to Him. So, why doesn't he? It's like the parable of the widow in Luke 18. She could have just gone on in her miserable way when she had the right to have her needs met. She could have died in poverty and unfulfilled. HOWEVER, she made up her mind that she was going to have all that the law said she could have.

So, God wants to see just how bad we want our land healed. IF we REALLY do, then we will humble OURSELVES. WE will make the effort. WE will set aside the time. We will make prayer a DAILY habit.

God has already shown just how bad He wants to heal our land. It took Him years to set up the stage for the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. He sent His only Son to die for OUR sins. Jesus went through the years of separation from Our Father. He went through the torment and the pain. He paid the debt that was ours. Not only that, His blood paved the way for mankind to be filled with all the power of Heaven. God's heart in sending Jesus to this earth was to show what a fleshly man could do under the power of the Holy Spirit. He could cast out demons. He could heal the sick. He could turn nations around.

That brings us to the next point, seeking the face of God. Most of what little prayer time we give is spent in asking God to heal, save and deliver His people. This is exactly what God wants us to do. HOWEVER, God is saying that if we want our land healed, we need to spend some time just getting to know Him. We need to spend time in His Presence just letting Him love on us.

During my sleepless hours with adrenal fatigue, I have had hours in the middle of the night to spend with Him. It has made a total difference in my relationship with Him. The things that I thought were impossible are now the things that I am expecting God to do. The thing about spending time one-on-one with God is that God begins to share His heart with you. The Word of God takes on a deeper and more powerful meaning because you begin to hear the Word from the point of view of God's Love.

And turn from our wicked ways: We don't know just how many tiny ways that the devil has a hold on us until we begin to seek the face of God. I'm not talking about murder, gambling and cussing. I'm talking about the little ugly thoughts, our talk that is grounded in doubt, our thought patterns that are centered around how God cannot do something. When we seek His face, He begins to clean up our insides. He begins to renew our thought life and His Spirit begins to empower us to believe Him for more.

When these things begin to take place in our lives, our faith in the healing of our land begins to grow exponentially. We begin to see a greater need for prayer. We see a greater need to know Him and we experience a revival of His presence down inside of us that transfers itself into actions around us.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Lessons From the Widow--Luke 18--The Lost

Jesus used the parable of the widow in Luke 18 to make the point that His people should always pray and not give up. After declaring how faithful Our Father is to answer prayer, Jesus finished the parable with this question. Luke 18:8, (KJV) "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?" I believe His intent in asking this question was to infer that people might not be praying as they should. He seems to equate the amount of prayer with the amount of faith we have. Assuredly, if our faith is high, so will our prayer life be high.

(Let me interrupt this blog to say something that might be a little tacky. But, think about it and I believe you'll come to the same conclusion. The word "sing" is mentioned 119 times in the Bible and only 5 times in the New Testament. Jesus never mentioned singing. Without boring you with statistics the word "pray" is mentioned 313 times in the Bible. Jesus specifically gave instructions to "pray" seventeen times in the four gospels. Yet we spend more time 'singing' in our services than we actually do 'praying'. Could we be missing something? Yes, we certainly are. And we wonder why the devil is having a field day. I don't know about you but I've changed my priorities.)

Let's look at some scripture. Peter tells us in his second letter, third chapter and ninth verse that God is NOT willing that any should perish. Of course, John 3:17 says, "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved." Are the terrorists in this world and are they an 'any'? The murderers, are they the same? How about the spouse that abandoned the marriage vows and destroyed a marriage? How about the children on drugs? How about that Christian that wronged you and everybody thinks they are right? How about the president, the members of congress and the mayor of your town? If they are in the world God's heart wants them saved.

The god of this world, satan, has blinded their minds so they can't see the truth of the gospel, 2 Corinthians 4:4. 1 John 4:4 tells us that the greater one is in us. In Luke 10:19,  Jesus gives US all power over the devil. Then let's get busy.

Father, we declare that You are the Almighty God and that Your Word is true. I believe that You want my lost loved ones to be saved. You showed how much You cared by sending Your only Son to die on a cross for all of our souls. It's because I believe these things that I take the following action according to Your Word. Devil, I demand you in the Name of Jesus to loose your hold on my unsaved loved ones. God wants them saved and I agree with Him. I want them saved, too. I command that spirit of blindness to loose their souls and minds so that they are able to see the light of God's love for them. God be just as relentless in chasing them as You were in chasing me to get me to do right. I commit them into Your heart and Your Word and ask You to do whatever it takes to turn their lives around. I believe Your Word is true and that because of my interceding on their behalf that You will honor what You said in John 14:14. You said that You would do anything that I asked You to if I asked in Your name. So I ask You to save them and I count it done in Jesus Name. Amen

Monday, June 22, 2015

Lessons From the Widow--Luke 18

In Luke the 18th chapter, Jesus taught a lesson about a widow and an unjust judge. The judge in this story was portrayed to be one who cared less about God or his principles and he cared less about people. However, a poor widow actually FORCED this unjust judge to act in her behalf. Why? Because she had a legitimate legal claim to something.

The widow kept coming to the judge and demanding that he act in her behalf because she knew that she was right. Everybody in town knew that she was right. Even this ungodly judge knew she was right. He just didn't want to do it. But, because she kept coming to him and demanding the same thing over and over and over again, the judge got embarrassed and finally consented to grant her legal request.

Jesus said that our Heavenly Father would do the same thing if we would continually come and lay a legitimate claim before the throne of Grace. The big difference is, God is Righteous and not unjust. Our Heavenly Father loves us and will never fail in granting our requests. However, if you will read through this parable, you will find that there are times when God waits for a while before granting our request. Why? At the end of the lesson Jesus poses the question. When He returns, will he find faith on the earth? In other words, will we be constant in our faith and continually come boldly to God's throne with our requests based on His promises.

Have you paid your tithes and given offerings? Then you have a right to come boldly to God's throne and pray like this:

Heavenly Father, I give you praise that You are Lord of all. I give You praise that You love me with an everlasting love. I thank You that You are faithful to keep your Word and that Your Word is true. Father, I have been faithful in paying my tithes and giving in my offerings. So, in the name of Jesus, I boldly declare on the authority of Your Word in Malachi 3:10 that the windows of Heaven are opened and blessings are being poured out that I don't have room enough to receive. According to Luke 6:38, I believe that You have blessed the offerings that I have given. I boldly declare before Your throne that it IS good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over that men give to me because I have sacrificed and given to You an offering. I give You praise that every need of mine is met according to Your riches in Glory according to Philippians 4:19. I boldly give You praise that You always keep Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fuel Your Faith More Than You Fuel Your Doubts

Great is Thy Faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not
As thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

Summer and winter, springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join in all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

I hope this is one of your favorites as it is mine. The title to today's blog has been going through my heart all week. You will have to agree that we are 'prisoners' of our thoughts. Our thoughts govern the course of our actions just like the steering wheel on a car. Too often, wrong thoughts lead to serious and hurtful accidents.

When we dwell on the past hurts, mistakes, jealousies, and anger we are actually trying to steer our lives while driving in reverse. We are constantly looking at our past, mulling over who did what, when and how. It's no wonder we wind up going nowhere or getting to our desired destination so slowly. Instead of thinking about where we are going, our minds 'eyes' are locked on things that happened years ago.

Do you realize that the words to this great hymn are enjoyed by unbelievers and ungodly just as much as they are by the 'saints.' Maybe even more so. Take, for example, this hot summer weather. Saint and sinner alike can be heard to say, "I can't wait until the fall brings cooler weather." And, in the winter, we all say, "I can't wait for warmer weather." All of us are actually praising and believing God in THINKING about His great faithfulness in bringing a change.

What are we as Christians, real "Bible believers" doing? Are we fueling our faith more than we are fueling our doubts? Bad stuff happens alright but God said in Jer. 29:11 that He is planning on doing something good for us. Romans 8:28 reminds us that God will work all things together for our good. If you put those two verses together you could easily see that God is going to use the bad stuff you're going through right now to make something good for you.

The key to greater faith is to thwart the devil's attempt to get your mind locked in on all the bad that's happening right now. God said that He was planning on bringing some good things to you. Clamp your mind on His Word. Think about healing. Think about increased finances. Think about your loved ones coming to Jesus. Think about good things coming your way. Fuel your faith instead of your doubts and watch miracles begin to happen.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Never Pass Up an Opportunity to Display God's Love

 In the eighth chapter of Matthew, the writer documents the calming of a storm and the deliverance of the demoniac of Gadara.  Here are two perfect opportunities to reveal God and His love.

       Jesus told the disciples to get in a boat and cross the sea of Galilee.  During the trip, they encountered a storm.  The storm was not sent by the devil nor induced by God.  Storms on the sea of Galilee just happen.  It's a normal occurrence.  Just like life, storms come when you least expect it.  

     Naturally, the disciples who were used to seeing the destructive power of these storms began to be afraid.  Jesus slept.  Fear caused the disciples to rave about the dreadful prospects of impending doom.  They woke Jesus who found an opportunity to demonstrate God's love and protective heart.

     When they reached the shore, they were confronted with a man that was demon possessed.  The human thing to do was to put distance between yourself and such a person.  Jesus demonstrated that God's love would attract the attention of such a person.  The man was attracted to His love while the demons raged inside of him.  Jesus again found an opportunity to demonstrate God's divine love by demanding the demons to leave the man.  They did.

     Every day, we face normal circumstances brought by a world full of evil.  In the book of Ephesians, Paul teaches us to be rooted and grounded in God's love.  Every evil thing that comes to us is an opportunity to show sinners the overwhelming grace of God and His love.

     May we be so empowered every day of our lives.   

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ephesians 6:12 Charleston, SC Massacre, Case in Point

The events of the past few days have rocked the hearts and souls of a lot of people. This is not a white against black thing like the young man has tried to make it out to be. Yes, this stems from hatred, but all hatred comes from the devil.

Let's be more matter of fact about it. One of the things that this young man is quoted as saying is "blacks were taking over the world". You and I and any normal thinking American know that his statement is not true. So, it's a lie. Jesus said that Satan was the father of lies, John 8:44. This young man listened to that lie long enough until hatred built up in him, just like the devil wanted it to. That hatred made him pick out pieces of the news that fueled that hatred. Satan fanned the flames by interjecting thoughts into his already tormented mind. Day by day, the devil pushed him toward the edge until he finally gave in to hate.

Jesus gave in to love for all of mankind which includes this young man. Paul experienced the life changing power of the love of God when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul hated Jesus and he hated everyone that called on the name of Jesus. 

Paul swallowed the devil's lie, too. He became angry because Jesus challenged the normal thinking of the Jewish leaders. The devil had him convinced that Jesus and his followers were wrong. He felt so strong about it that he put them in prison and had some of them killed. He wrecked homes by taking away the bread-winner or the mother or wife. He didn't care. He HAD to stamp out this Jesus thing.

But, when he finally met Jesus and made Jesus the Lord of his life, he experienced real soul-shaking forgiveness for the first time. How could Jesus ever think about forgiving such a hard-hearted man like Paul? The same way that the victim's relatives faced that young killer today and told him that they forgave him. It was the agape love of a God who is love, 1 John 4:8. 

Just like the last blog I wrote, 2 Corinthians 4:4, (KJV) "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them". Paul wrote that to the Corinthians. He could say that with all fervor because his mind was blinded by the god of this world until Jesus came to him. 

But, two of his kinsmen were praying for him according to his letter to the Romans in chapter 16, verse 7. They didn't give up on him like others might. They wrestled with the demon forces that had blinded Paul's mind until Jesus pushed them away and made His appearance to Paul.

Could this massacre have been avoided? Could all killings be avoided? Could ISIS have been stopped from their very beginning? The answer is a resounding "Yes". 2 Chronicles 7:14 promises that God will heal our land if we would humble ourselves and pray and seek His face. Did you catch that? God would heal our land if we would seek Him?

What are you seeking today? Are you seeking for revenge against the blacks or the whites or the illegal aliens? Are you seeking for more dirt against that crooked politician so you can spout some hate stuff on Facebook? Are you seeking to stir up strife?

I'm looking for people of every color, every nationality, every denomination, every political background and every social standard.I'm looking for people who could care less about what each other looks like or used to be in the past. I want to lock arms in prayer with people who sincerely want peace in our time. And that only real peace is in Jesus Christ.

Through Jesus I can be at peace no matter what the threat is, or how much money I don't have, or how bad I feel at the moment. Because I know that Jesus is in control of it all. More than that I know that Jesus wants to change the things in this world that are not like Him. 

So, let's pray: Father, we give you praise that You are Lord of all. And it's our desire to serve You with all of our hearts. On the authority of Your Word we bind the power of the god of this world that has blinded the hearts of people to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Father, we desire that the light of the gospel that is within us would shine brighter and brighter each and every day so that the people that are in darkness would be able to see the love of God within us. Help us to be your hands and feet and may our lives portray the real love of Jesus Christ. We pray for divine appointments in our lives every day that we might change the course of the next killer or thief or rapist or child molester. Help us to draw closer to You that we would be filled with Your Agape Love. Give us wisdom and understanding in how to guide our lives in a manner that will bring the lost to You and glorify Your name. Keep us safe. Help us to be ever vigilant against evil.  Stir our hearts and bring Your body together in the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ephesians 6:12 The Rulers of the Darkness of this World

Paul urges us to wrestle or pray against the rulers of the darkness of this world. Just what does he mean by 'rulers of the darkness'? We'll go to Strong's Concordance to find out.

The Greek word 'rulers' is defined as 'lord of this world' or 'prince of this age'. Obviously Paul is talking about the devil. The Greek word for 'darkness' is defined as 'of darkened eyesight or blindness'.

Let's compare this to another verse of scripture. Paul clarifies the verse in Ephesians by this statement to the Corinthians. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4--(KJV) But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

To put the two verses together, Paul says that we should be wrestling against the satanic powers that blind people's minds from seeing the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. John echoed the same thing in his gospel, chapter one and verse five, 'And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not'.

Look at what Jesus says in the fifth chapter of Matthew. Verse 14, 'You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Verse 16, 'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.'

There are a lot of us Christians that have no problem letting our light shine to everyone around us. Yet, they seem to turn a deaf ear. The light of the gospel of Jesus Christ shines into this world through billboards, church signs, ads in the paper and on TV. The gospel is being preached to them and they are----blind to it.

As I mentioned before, Paul was a great soul winner when the term soul winner wasn't cool. He went to the city of Athens and waited for Silas and Timothy to join him. Athenians worshipped every thing BUT Almighty God. There were over 30,000 standing idols to various gods all around the city. Athens was a city of learning. Universities were there. The people were considered the be the most learned and the deepest thinkers. Yet, in all of their genius and brilliance, they did not know the True and Living God. And they were not looking to know the True and Living God.

While Paul was teaching the resurrection in the market place, these learned men of Athens overheard him and wanted to know more. Eventually a thriving church sprang up. Why? Because Paul wrestled with the powers of the darkness of this world that had blinded their minds against the truth. He used that same technique everywhere he went. He bound the power of darkness that had blinded them and commanded the darkness to loose the minds of the unbelievers.

Listen closely. Bold and strong prayers bring a bold and strong move of the Power of God in a place. But, we haven't seen that in Savannah or heard about it anywhere else......yet. Why? Because the eyes of men and women have been blinded by the powers of darkness. Their minds have been blind to the truth of God. Am I talking about sinners? No. I'm talking about Christians. When is the last time you've heard a preacher preach about wrestling AGAINST the powers of darkness of this world that blinds people from seeing the light of the gospel? You've tried everything else under the sun, why not try this?

Lift your hands to Jesus and let's go! Father, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we are ready for an all out move of the Power of God where we live. We're tired of waiting for someone else to start something so we want to start at the only place we know how. And that's on our knees praying Your Blood Sworn Word back to You. By the authority of the Word of God, we collectively bind the powers of darkness over our city. We command that those powers of darkness loose the minds of the sinners that they will be able to see the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to let our light shine before all mankind so they can sense the Love of the Savior and be drawn into a personal relationship with Him. We bind those unclean spirits that roam our streets and try to cause havoc among the people. We demand you, satan, that you cease and desist your operations against the children of God. Father, we ask you for a heart-changing revival in our communities. Let Christians of every color and every background break down dividing walls and join their hearts together to praise the Living God. Help us to clean up this city, one sinner at a time. In the sweet name of Jesus, Amen.

It would be wonderful if....at some point in time.....and at some place.... say like Forsyth Park....or where ever...saints of every color and nationality.....just.....kinda......stumble upon each other....and meet...and maybe ask the question to each other like the old saints used to do....."How's your faith, Brother."  And then just let God be God.

Like the Apostle Paul said, "Pray without ceasing."

Monday, June 15, 2015

Ephesians 6:12--Let's Define What We're Wrestling Against

Ephesians 6:12--(KJV) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We're going to use Young's Analytical Concordance and Thayer's Greek Lexicon to bring a clear understanding to what Paul was talking about. When the Greeks conquered that area of the world they made everyone speak Greek. When the Romans overthrew the Greeks they left the language the way it was. It was easier to rule that way.

Paul was preaching and writing to the churches in a language that they understood. However, when it was translated into English, the original meaning is rather fuzzy. We need to get the full meaning of what Paul says by understanding some key words.

According to Thayer's Greek Lexicon, the Greek word translated 'against' means 'denoting direction toward a thing'. That's pretty simple. But, don't let the simplicity of the word hide the meaning of this verse.

He said to wrestle but he said that we were not to be 'against' or pick our fights with flesh and blood. For some time now, there has been a lot of racial tension. There are preachers that stand in their pulpits and preach 'against' or direct their remarks toward people of a different color than they are. There has been churches who have built up their congregations by espousing hatred 'against' or toward the United States of America and our form of government.

Paul would immediately call these preachers and congregations out for their ungodly ways. He specifically told the Ephesians that Jesus never called us to fight one another no matter how much we think that they deserve it. And, I'll agree. Some of them do deserve to be fought against but the most successful soul winner outside of Jesus Christ said that our fight is not with each other. One of the last things that Jesus said (John 13:34) was for us to love one another just like He loved us. He loved us unreservedly and without prejudice.

The first thing Paul said to wrestle against was 'principalities'. Young's Concordance defines the Greek word for 'principalities' as--the person who starts something, the beginning or origin. Now that's simple. It wasn't a white policeman that started anything. It wasn't a black teenager that started anything. It all originated in satan's deceiving ways of making the two races distrust each other.

Paul knew that for a fact. Before he became a Christian, he hated everyone that called on the name of Jesus. He voted to have Stephen stoned to death. If he found a prayer meeting going on, he hauled people into prison. He was on his way to Damascus to imprison more people when he met Jesus face-to-face.

He became a changed man after he turned his life over to Jesus. The first fourteen years of his life was spent in prayer and getting to know Jesus. The more he knew about Jesus, the more he realized that love was the greatest game changer. Love for mankind drove Jesus to the cross. Love for mankind made Jesus seek out the lost when the religious rulers of His day were constantly badgering Him.

Jesus didn't fight the the scribes and Pharisees. Often He would question them and they would get stumped. But, you don't see Jesus running them down all the time. He spent His time loving on people and letting people see the Love of the Father by His actions. Paul picked up on the love message and wrote in Galatians 5:6--(KJV)--Faith worketh by love. Again he wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:8--(KJV)--Charity never faileth. The agape love of Almighty God never gives up and never runs out and never fails to get the job done.

Something else about the agape love of Almighty God. Satan hates it. He can't stand it when we forgive one another and begin walking in love. He hates it when we quit hating. As long as we hate and are jealous and contentious, the devil has us chained to our sins and our defeat. God cannot operate where agape love doesn't rule and satan knows it.

The devil has chosen hatred, jealousy and strife to be his main 'principalities'. Where do divorces start? Where do murders start? Where do robberies start? Where do fights start? Where do arguments start? And hatred, jealousy and strife start with the devil. He instigates these things.

How do we wrestle? First, place the blame squarely on the bone-head who's responsible for all of the mess you're facing. It's the devil. Then pray against him. Jesus gave your authority over him in Luke 10:19.  In Mark 3:27, He told us to bind the strong man (the devil) and we could plunder his house. How about that? You can plunder the devil's place. You could probably find those things that he stole from you if you bound him and went inside his house couldn't you? Well, let's do it.

Father, on the authority of Your Word and Your Grace, (Ephesians 2:8) I am a blood-bought child of yours and I am a joint-heir with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). Jesus stated that the same things He did, I could do (John 14:12). Jesus bossed the devil around. When He told him to speak, the devil spoke (Mark 5:9). When He told him to shut up, he shut up (Luke 4:41). When Jesus told the devil to come out, he came out (Mark 5:8).  I know that You will honor the Word of Your Only Begotten Son when I pray.

Devil, I'm not the person I was a while ago. My eyes have been opened and I realize that my problems were instigated by you and not the people I have blamed. I forgive them for any wrong that they have done and I chose to walk in love toward them. Therefore, you no longer pull me around like a dog on a leash. Instead, I bind you with the leash of the Word of Almighty God your Creator. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over all of your meddlesome ways over me and my household. I demand that you cease and desist your actions against my family. I've paid my tithes and given offerings and I demand you loose my good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over (Luke 6:38). Get out of the way of my blessings coming down from heaven that God is pouring out on me (Malachi 3:10). I boldly declare, according to Isaiah 53:5, that by the stripes of Jesus Christ my family is walking in healing and in perfect health. Now, git out of here devil, shut up and leave us alone.

Either write this down or print this out and put it on your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator. This is just a rough draft of how you can get started wrestling 'against' the devil. Do it on a daily basis. Do it on an hourly basis. Be firm with it. Be constant with it. Don't give up until the answer comes. Pretty soon you'll be walking in more freedom than you have ever experienced before.

As you pray, ask for God's guidance to teach you how to continue to exercise your God-given authority over our enemy. (Ephesians 1:17) Ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Follow the words of Paul's anointed prayer in that first chapter to begin with. Watch your prayer life grow and watch your joy and peace grow right along with it.

Next blog: Praying against the rulers of the darkness of this world.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Let's Wrestle--Ephesians 6:12

Ephesians 6:12--For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Paul brings up the term 'wrestle' in this verse. Is it possible to wrestle with the devil? Can we wrestle with the devil and win? The answer to those questions is a resounding 'YES'.

Paul would have never put a statement like that in one of his letters if he didn't actually do it himself. He not only wrestled with demon forces, but he was pretty successful at it. He reached people who had never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. He started churches in areas of the world that no other missionary/evangelist had ever been before. His achievements for the cause of Christ speak for themselves.

But, how do you wrestle with demon forces? How do you dare tackle the devil when he already has an evil stronghold in an area? How do you hope to win when your unsaved loved ones seem to be so entrenched in sin?

There are four things that are more powerful than any demon force. The first is the Word of God. According to Ezekiel 28, the devil was created by God. We find this in John 1:1-3. (KJV) "(1)In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) The same was in the beginning with God. (3) All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made." The Word of God created the devil because the devil is a created being. Therefore, the Word of God is stronger than the devil.

The Word of God also puts a limit on the devil. When the devil asked God to be able to tempt Job, God replied in Job 2:6 (KJV) And the lord said unto satan, behold. he is in thine hand, but save his life." Satan DID bring a lot of terrible things into Job's life, BUT he couldn't kill Job. And, by the way, at the end of that story God blessed Job with twice as much as the enemy stole from him.

The second thing at our disposal that is more powerful than the devil is the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross. Colossians 2:14-15 (NIV) "Having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." We already know that Jesus paid our sin debt with His blood. But notice verse 15 "And having disarmed the powers and authorities". These are the powers and authorities that he was talking about in Ephesians 6:12. The power of the blood of Jesus disarmed those evil powers and authorities.

Look at what Paul wrote to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 2:2. (NIV) For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." This apostle who knew the Old Testament extremely well traded all that knowledge for the knowledge of the cross. Here is what he wrote in Galatians 6:12. (NIV) "May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." You'll find this statement throughout the letters that Paul wrote. It was the power of the blood of Jesus Christ that He shed on Calvary's cross that caused people to forsake the devil and his ways and turn their lives over to Jesus.

The third thing that is more powerful than any demon force is the name of Jesus. Philippians 2:10 (KJV) "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, of things in earth, and things under the earth." No matter where the devil is, no matter where any of his demonic forces are and no matter what any of them are doing; they MUST bow their knees at the name of Jesus.

All three of these things don't do any good until the fourth thing comes about. The fourth thing that is more powerful than any demon force is ANY blood-bought child of God praying/wrestling by using the other three devil stoppers. All the powers of Heaven are at the disposal of ALL Christians. The reason that evil still runs rampant on the face of this earth is because Christians do not exercise their God-given authority and power to overthrow the forces of evil. If God didn't want satan overthrown, He would not have gone to such great lengths to supply us with such powerful weapons.

How do we wrestle? James gives us some pointers in chapter 4 and verse 7 of his letter. It says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." That word 'flee' means to run in terror. So this verse is telling us that there is something that we can do that will make the devil run away from us with his tail stuck between his legs and yelping like the defeated dog that he is.

How do we resist him? What's the definition of the word 'resist'? Let's look at some of the synonyms for the word resist that can be found at thesaurus.com and we'll be better able to define the word.

Confront--Confront the devil about what he is doing. Find a promise in the Word of God and claim it's benefits. Tell the devil that he can't hold back what the Word of God says is yours.

Dispute--When you find that promise, argue with the devil about the outcome. Don't wimp and whine. If it's a promise from God then it belongs to you. Suppose one of your neighbors kids came into your yard and began to run off with your child's bicycle. Any one of us would run after that kid yelling and screaming to keep his thieving little hands off of what was rightfully yours. It's the same thing with the devil. He has stolen from us because we don't put up a fight. Well, it's time to fight, don't you think?

Refuse--Refuse to allow him to keep telling you that you're not worthy to be blessed. The blood of Jesus Christ made you worthy. Refuse to believe that God doesn't want you to have your answer. God NEVER goes back on His Word. And that brings us to one more.

Endure--Once you start praying in line with the Word of God. Keep praying. Jesus gave the parable of the widow and the unjust judge in Luke 18:7-8, "And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you He will avenge them speedily."

God's answers don't always come immediately. But, when they do come, He makes up for lost time.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Time Out For A Testimony--My Fight With Adrenal Fatigue

Let me take a moment to give you a personal testimony. It dawned on me that some of my writing might be more straightforward than what some of you are used to. My desire is to share with you some changes that I went through that brought me into a deeper relationship with God. Maybe some of you are going through some similar things. I hope this will encourage you.

I have always been a hard worker, and unfortunately I have always been a hard worrier. Something happened in my life over forty years ago that practically devastated me. It happened while I was overseas serving my country. It happened without my knowledge. By the time that I was told about it things were beyond my control. I was twenty-two at the time. I had no idea how to cope with the situation. Therefore, I made mistakes as well.

The funny thing about life is that it keeps coming at you whether you're ready for it or not. I was never ready. I kept trying to deal with the hurt while trying to tackle the new problems of a new day. I made mistake after mistake which compounded one sorrow with another sorrow and still another sorrow.

Looking back I can see where God constantly tried to get me to stop worrying about this particular event. As a pastor, I would preach on the subject of letting past hurts go. I taught several times about forgiveness. But I never stopped fretting and thinking about what had happened.

Was what happened wrong? Yes, it was very wrong. And the thing that got me was that a lot of people considered the Christian that had done this was right to do what they did. There was no scriptural basis for their actions. To top it all off, other Christians who were around the situation and knew the truth still uphold this person in their wrong.

Am I crying the blues? Am I looking for sympathy and pity? No. Not in the least. There are others in my reading audience who have gone through similar things and have deep, deep hurts from things in their past. I am hoping to help you get over some of these things. I am hoping that I can encourage you to cut loose that monkey from your back. I am hoping that I can get you to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets you and keeps you from running after Jesus Christ with all of your might.

I carried the hurt, the guilt, the worry, the frustration for forty years. My thought life was always filled with anger, jealousy and sorrow. I can see now that I made decisions throughout my life that were partially based on the idea of showing that person that I really could be successful. And, I had the hope that they would be proud of me.

What? What was I thinking? Was that one of the stupidest reasons for make a decision or what? As dumb as that was, my mind and my emotions were so messed up that I couldn't think straight. I had never learned to let it go. Through the years, I refused to forgive and go on with my life. I was always dragging the agony with me everywhere I went and through everything I did.

Then, last August, it finally caught up with me. At 66 years old, I still outworked others younger than I was. To be honest, I enjoy hard work. But, hard work was not the real problem. The real problem was my thought life. My emotions over the past brought havoc into my body.

My worry and frustration wore my adrenal glands down to the point that I was suffering from adrenal fatigue and didn't know it. They were worn down to the point that they were stuck in what is known as the "fight or flight" mode. You've probably experienced that if you've ever been involved in an accident. Soldiers experience that on the battlefield when they are in a fire fight. Strong emotions cause the adrenaline to rush through your body temporarily to help you in a dangerous situation.

People with adrenal fatigue often feel that way 24/7. That's the way it was with me. I could feel it in my chest for months. I felt like I needed to do something to get rid of my pent up energy. However, nothing that I did helped. I, also, couldn't sleep at night. There were times that I would wake up at 2 a.m. and not be able to go back to sleep. The lack of rest at night combined with the hard work during the day compounded the problem.

Then one day last August after an extremely hard day, my heart started going into a-fib and skipping a beat. At one point I didn't have the strength to walk. I actually thought I was dying. After five trips to the emergency room and two trips to a cardiologist, the only thing they could tell me was that my heart and my body were in great shape.

It was a preacher friend of mine who had been suffering from the same thing that put me on to the real problem. As I began to study about adrenal fatigue, I realized that it had been my thought life that had brought me down. I knew I had to change. It was a struggle to stop a habit that I had been nurturing for forty years. I had to finally admit that the baggage had cost me years of happiness that I could have enjoyed and now it had taken my health.

I fought to forgive. I fought to change my thought patterns like I had preached from 2 Corinthians 10:5 all those years. I found good things to think about. I found scriptural things to think about.

There were still times when I couldn't sleep. I would wake up around 2 a.m. and not get back to sleep until about 4 a.m. The old thoughts were trying to make a come back as usual. Eventually, I decided that since I was awake, I may as well try praying. Du-u-u-u-h!! Way to go Einstein. That's what God had wanted all along.

As I began to spend hours praying to God quietly, I began to linger in His Presence. Not only did I begin to calm down, but I started on a great journey. Little by little the Holy Spirit began to wake up the scriptures that I had memorized over the years. The heart of God began to come alive inside of me. I began to see things from His point of view instead of my own. I realized the real reason for forgiveness and handing the outcome of all things over to Him.

Now as I am writing about wrestling with the devil, I can see it from God's point of view. I used to see it from my own feeble point of view. You know. The devil's big and bad and he's out destroying stuff and we gotta fight. Actually, when you look at the devil from God's point of view you see a loser who's greatest power is a lie (John 8:44). The problem is, we have erroneously believed what everybody else says about the devil. We base our faith on all the evil that we see and the bad news that we hear.

If we were honest with each other, we would have to admit that we think more about the devil's lies than we do God's truths about the situations we face. If we prayerfully change our thinking to the light of God's Word, our spirit man will be emboldened by the Holy Spirit. And that is where the change comes.

I hope this post encourages those of you who have been going through a lot of rough times. Jesus said that in this world we would have tribulations. But, He also said for us to cheer up because He had overcome all of these things. (John 16:33) My thought life and my heart rests in His promises.

Now let's get on with the wrestling.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Let's Wrestle Part 2

I purposely kept my description of our opponent, the devil, very short. For one thing, you already know just how despicable he is. In case you forget, just watch the news. It's mostly how bad stuff happens to people.

On top of that, take a look at all the bad things that have happened to you, your family members, your church friends or you neighbors. And it's not just here in Savannah, Ga., it's all over America and all over the world. Even sinners will have to admit that something sinister is trying to destroy the world by destroying innocent people.

But, I'm not concerned about how everyone views the devil. I'm interested in the way that God sees him. Just to refresh your memory God says in Ezekiel 28 that the devil will die a violent death. Paul said in Colossians 2:15, that Jesus disarmed these powers and authorities and triumphed over them by the cross.

In essence, no matter how mean and despicable he acts, as far as a believer is concerned the devil and his angels are defeated by the power of Jesus' blood and the Word of God. The problem is that we spend more time thinking about the awful works of the devil and we don't give preeminent time and space to the Word of God in our lives. When we follow the advice in Romans 12 to quit being conformed to the world and become transformed by the renewing of our minds, we find out just how powerful a believer is and how weak and mindless our enemy is. So let's find out just what kind of wrestler we are according to God.

One of the things we discussed in Wrestling Part 1 is the fact that the devil and his angels cannot be forgiven. They weren't created to be. They were created to be obedient. When he sinned, satan and all of his underlings were banished forever from the glory world. God sent them to the earth to wait in anguish for the day when they will be burned alive. (See Jesus' description in Luke 10:18)

Matthew 25:41--NIV--Then He (God) will say to those on His left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'

Revelation 20:10--NIV--And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. According to Revelation 21:8 this is called the second death. See also Ezekiel 28.

However, Christians are forgiven because of the sacrifice of the Son of God at Calvary. Isaiah 43:25 tells us that God blots out our sins and will NEVER remember them any more. We stand before Him as blood washed children. We are called His children and joint-heirs with Christ in Romans 8:17.

Briefly, the Creator God, the One who makes the rules for everybody, has declared satan to be eternally damned while declaring us eternally saved. God has NEVER declared that he loved the devil while at the time ALWAYS declaring His deep-seated love for all of mankind. 2 Peter 3:9 declares that God wants EVERYBODY who has ever lived to be saved. That is how great His love for mankind is and always will be.

Jesus plainly tells us that the devil is out to get us but He gives us a steadfast promise. In John 16:33, He said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

1 John 4:4 tells us that, "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." So, while we are on this earth, we WILL be challenged by the devil. But, residing inside of us is a power FAR GREATER than any power the devil thinks he has.

Then why does the devil win? Because people think, meditate and believe that he is unstoppable. And the people that believe he is unstoppable wind up losing this wrestling match with the devil.

This is simple. Let's say that in your yard you have a patch of weeds and a garden of roses. The one that you pay the most attention to is the one that will grow and flourish. The same way in this world. If all you think about is how bad things were, how bad they are now and how bad they might get tomorrow don't be surprised when all you get is "bad" stuff. But if you spray Round-up on the weeds and take good care of your roses, you won't be surprised when the roses grow and bloom profusely.

Finally, in Romans 8:37, Paul tells us, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors thru Him who loved us." Did you notice that this great and victorious hero of faith and soul winner said that we were MORE than conquerors? That's because Jesus has already conquered satan (see Colossians 2:15). We are more than conquerors because we get to enjoy the freedom from his oppression.

In my next blog, we'll get into the techniques of wrestling God-style.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Let's Wrestle Part 1

In most wrestling matches, there are two contestants. I realize that in Ephesians 6 Paul says that we wrestle against rulers, authorities, powers of the dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. But all of these different forces are slaves to the god of this world, the devil. So, let's deal with the head of these powers and we can control the rest of them.

The head honcho of all demon forces, and therefore all ungodly works on this earth, is the devil. Well, just where did the devil come from? His creation, his sin and his expulsion to the earth are found in Ezekiel 28:11-19. God created him as a beautiful and powerful cherub. However, those two qualities made him proud. God threw him out to the earth and declared that he would come to a horrible fiery end. There are other scriptures that relate to him and his sin but this is enough for right now.

Since he got kicked out of heaven, he has done his best to destroy everything that God created. And that includes mankind that God loves dearly. Here's the thing that makes the devil so mad. Angels cannot not repent. They can be obedient and dwell in the presence of God, but they are not allowed the option to repent.

It's not so with God's specially created being. God wanted someone He could love. He wanted someone with a free will to love him in return. That's why God is so gracious to us. That is why He is merciful to us. He wants a relationship of love and joy with us.

And that is why the devil is so relentless in his desire to destroy mankind. His main goal is to keep people from receiving the love and companionship the he himself once enjoyed with the Creator God. That is, he enjoyed it until he sinned.

Back to the wrestling match. This is who we are to fight against. This once powerful being was banished and now has a great big chip on his shoulder against God. He can't destroy God, but he has found out that God's heart is wrapped up in his creation. So, naturally, satan is out to destroy everything that brings God joy. AND since mankind can be forgiven, you'd better believe that he is fighting with all of his anger and jealousy to get mankind to sin and to remain in sin.

That statement right there is at the center of all the meanness that is rampant on the planet earth. The devil knows his destiny. He knows he can't escape it. It has been the driving force behind his terror against the godly ever since he was kicked out of Heaven. He throws every punch that he can in an effort to make man's existence on this earth a living hell. Because that is where he will eventually wind up.

But, here is what is important about this devil. He has been judged by his creator. Jesus said in John 16:11 that the prince of this world now stands condemned. Again, in John 12:31, He states that the prince of this world is cast out.

Look at Colossians 2:15--NIV--And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

Remember that Paul was talking about powers and authorities in Ephesians 6? In Colossians 2, he declares that Jesus DISARMED those powers and authorities. That means He took away their power over us. By going to the cross, dying in our place, going into hell for us but then rising again, Jesus showed to the world that satan could be defeated.

The only way that satan can rule over you is if you let him. And we'll discuss that in Part 2.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Ephesians 6:17 And Take the Helmet of Salvation of the Sword of the Spirit

We're going to take both of these today. Actually these two are intertwined with the rest of the armor. So let's do some very important reviewing.

Putting on the helmet of salvation is close to the same thing as buckling up with the Word of God. The Greek word that is translation 'salvation' actually means deliverance from dangers of all kinds including health, wealth and personal protection. If our minds constantly run in fear of situations we don't have on the helmet of salvation. If problems buffalo you into more questions than answers, you don't have on the helmet of salvation. If you are praying and it really sounds like wishing, then you don't have on the helmet of salvation. If when you finish praying you kind of say to yourself, "It probably won't happen but it was worth a try" then you don't have on the helmet of salvation.

Before you can be a successful Christian, before you will ever have an answered prayer and before you will bask in the victory of defeating the devil, you must first be assured in your brain that God's Word is absolutely true. You've got to be like Abraham as quoted in Romans 4:21. "And being fully persuaded, that what He had promised, He was able also to perform." Admittedly it took a couple of years for Abraham to fully believe the Word. But God brought Abraham through some things that settled the Word of God in Abraham's heart as well as his mind. He believed that it was going to happen just like God said it would.

On a side note, I memorized and preached scripture for years and didn't have a fully developed faith. It took spending time in His presence to become acquainted with Him soul-to-soul and spirit-to-spirit. The heart of God began to strengthen my feeble heart until it boosted my resolve to believe His Word no matter what it said.

Put on that helmet of salvation until you know that you know that you know that you know and that it won't be any other way than the way God said it would be. Then, it won't really matter HOW God brings it about. You just know that He WILL.

Before we take up the Sword of the Spirit let's deal with the breastplate of righteousness and having our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Most of us don't feel like we have a big problem with being 'right' with God. We too often neglect the second most important thing and that is being 'right' with our fellow man. We have hurt feelings, we hold grudges, we refuse to fellowship and all the while we're shoutin' up and down the aisles of the church.

Paul was like that before he got converted. He hated everyone that called themselves a Christian. And as a devout Jew he looked down on anybody that wasn't Jewish. But, he attributes his blazing success as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ to one thing other than the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. He said in Galatians 5:6, For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

Until you get your Agape Love walk down pat, you won't be able to do anything with the Sword of the Spirit. Why? Because that same Word of God that you want to chop the devil's head off tells you to love EVERYBODY the way that Jesus loves them and the way that Jesus loves you. That's John 13:34.

That's why the shield of faith is so important. It quenches the fiery arrows of the devil. When someone does you wrong, use that shield of faith in the Word of God to put out the fire. People will say ugly things to you. They will ignore you when you've served God as hard as you can. They will talk about you behind your back. They will plan ways to bring you down. All these things the devil slings at you to hurt your feelings and therefore keep you from swinging that Sword.

It's your choice to forgive. It's your choice to walk in love. Now to put is pretty bluntly, if you really, really, really, really, really want to get the devil back for all of those things-----choose to forgive and choose to love. When you get your feelings under control, then reach over to your left hip (if you're right-handed) and-----KA-SHIN-N-N-G-G-G---whip out that Sword of the Spirit and get down to some devil business.

Remember, the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. You are buckled up with it's truth and you have your brain secured with the helmet of know-so salvation. With your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace you know exactly what needs to be done. You can't have peace when things look like they are going wrong. Rom. 8:28, All things work together for good. Swing that Sword in praise to God. You don't have peace when you or your loved ones are sick. Isaiah 53:5, By His stripes we are healed.

The way to peace is by wrestling with the devil and his evil spirits Ephesians 6:12. Do battle with them by swinging the Sword of the Lord. "Devil you can't have my children, (Deuteronomy 28:4). The fruit of my body is blessed."  "You're not going to scare me with what happened today. God's going to work it out for my good and you can't stop it. (Romans 8:28) "How dare you hinder my finances. I've paid my tithes and given offering. Get your hands off of my money. The windows of heaven are opened and God has poured out a blessing that I don't have room enough to receive. (Malachi 3:10). That offering I gave is going to produce me a return harvest (Luke 6:38).

Folks get your heart right. Get the Word right. And start swinging that Sword.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ephesians 6:16 Take up the Shield of Faith

After we buckle up with the Word of God, put on the breastplate of righteousness, and have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, then Paul instructs us to take up the shield of faith. Remember that Paul instructed us to 'put on' the whole armor of God. That indicated that the normal everyday Christian doesn't know that he's supposed to walk around with those things attached to us (spiritually, that is).

For the same reason, he has to tell us to 'take up' the shield of faith. It's not something we were trained from childhood to do. The sad part about it is that few pastors these days give very much instruction on the shield of faith much less the other parts of the armor of God.

I believe we can understand it better when we find out what this shield of faith is supposed to do for us. In the NIV, verse 16 says, "with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
Flaming arrows? Those are things that would burn inside of us if we ever got hit by one.

Have you ever had anyone say something to you that 'burned' as it penetrated your soul? Have you had something to happen to you that set the pit of your stomach on fire with worry or heartache? As you think and think and think about some problem does your stomach tie up in knots?

Just about everybody has had those things happen to us many, many times. Just a few harsh words can change a happy smile into burning, hot tears. It's happened to all of us and as long as we live on this earth we'll be plagued by them.

Just how does the shield of faith quench those fiery darts? The shield of faith is the utmost belief that what the Word of God says about us is true. You need to know what God's Word says about you because the fiery darts come from the wicked one, the devil. Remember him? Paul says that he is the one we are supposed to be wrestling.

I bet you thought those hateful things came from your spouse, your in-laws or that vicious tale-barer in church. Those folks are just the vessels that he uses. But, you'd better believe that he's behind the whole thing.

If the devil can get your mind off of Jesus and His Holy Power for just a few seconds, he has you totally whipped. Those fiery darts have the ability to burn way down inside of you if you will just leave them alone and let them burn. That's their design. The devil gets someone to same something about you and your insides burn about it for ages. As long as he can get your mind on what they said, you'll never set your mind on the Word of God.

After all, the shield of faith is faith in what the Word of God says about you. The Word of God says that your sins have been blotted out and will never be remembered against you (Romans 4:8). There are more scriptures about our authority as a believer than I have room to write. But, since I accept what God's Word says about my character, my main fighting scripture is Romans 8:28. KJV--And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

People can say all kinds of bad things about you, but it doesn't mean that they are true. People can talk about the doom and gloom that's happening all around us but it doesn't mean that it will happen to you. People can do mean things to you and purposely try to hurt you. None of that means that God is mad at you. According to Romans 8:28, God is not planning on doing anything to you but good things. He will turn what they have said or done to your benefit if you will hold up the shield of faith and accept His promises as the truth about you.

That's what the shield of faith does. It quenches those things that the evil one has people shoot at you to tear you down. BUT, if you will train your heart and your brain to instantly throw up the shield of faith, their words will become just idle chatter. Every time you use the Word of God to quench those fiery darts, your spirit-man becomes stronger in the Spirit of the Lord.

Faithful practice with the shield of faith will produce a satan dominating spirit within you. Continued resistance against those arrows will produce some mighty spiritual muscles. Your prayer life will come alive with bolder prayers. As your Holy boldness begins to grow, the Power of God will become more evident in your life.

Then you start shooting Holy Ghost fiery darts at the enemy. You do that by telling the truth about him. That's called "resisting the devil." But, we'll learn more about that in my next blog.

Happy quenching.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Ephesians 6:15 Be Ready to Walk in Peace Part 2

Let's review before we go into the next blog. Be strong in the ways that the Lord Jesus Christ is strong. Buckle up the belt of the truth of the Word of God---only. Don't buckle yourself by what it looks like or anything the devil throws at you. Hold to the Word of God only. Put on the breastplate of righteousness and be ready to walk in peace. Both of those include walking in love with God and with man. 

Doesn't it seem strange that when the apostle Paul talks about wrestling the demon forces that rule this world he says to have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace? It doesn't seem to match up does it? 

Paul already told us that it wasn't flesh and blood that causes us trouble. It is the devil. We can't stop somebody from being mean. We will violate his God-given choice to either be bad or good. BUT, the devil is a different story. In Luke 10:19, Jesus plainly tells us that He gives us authority over all of the power of the enemy. Jesus deputized us and made us the sheriff of our situation. We have the authority, backed by all the powers of Heaven, to tell the devil to stop hindering us and leave us alone. No doubt you've prayed and prayed for just such a deliverance and nothing has happened so far.

Let's go back and check on some things. Are you strong in your relationship with God like Jesus is? Are you strong in the Word of God like Jesus is? Do you have the Word of Truth fastened securely about you like He does? Do you walk in agape love like He does? Do you always do what the will of the Father is like He does?

To make it shorter let's say it this way. If we love the way that Jesus does, and believe the Word of God like He does and we steadfastly intend to walk in line with the will of God like He does then we'll get the results like He does. We might have to wait for it, but we'll get it. If we know Him deeply we will trust Him with everything that is in us. No doubting. And the answer will come.

Now let's get to the question at hand. Do we really want to walk in His peace? I'm not talking about laying down and letting the devil stomp on us and still try to be peaceful in our spirit. That is the wrong attitude. 

When it dawns on you that the devil, and not people, is the reason you're not walking in the blessings of God, you're getting ready to walk in peace. When you start walking in agape love with God and others, you're getting ready to walk in peace. When you walk in agape love and the Holy Spirit starts rising within you, you're getting ready to walk in peace. When the Holy Spirit nudges you one day and you realize that 'greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world', you're getting ready to walk in peace. When the ability to bind the devil's power begins to make more sense than sitting there and letting him run over you, YOU are getting ready to walk in peace.

When God's Word becomes more real to you than any problem you face, you're getting ready to walk in peace. When you FINALLY stand up on the inside and begin to claim what is yours in the Word of God, now you're ready to walk in peace.

I haven't received everything that I am believing God for, but I'm walking in peace. I know that God is righteous enough to give me what He has promised me. And, I refuse to allow the devil or any of his imps to retain possession of them.

Recap: Be strong in what Jesus is strong in. Tighten up the belt of the Word of Truth. Put on the breastplate of righteousness. And have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

Aren't you ready for some peace?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Ephesians 6:15 Be ready to walk in peace--Part 1

King James Version. VS 14, 15, Stand therefore....And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

'Your feet shod?' Shod is normally attributed to a horse. It denotes putting horse shoes on their hooves so they can go over rocky terrain without stumbling or going lame. After comparing several of the other translations of this verse, I think I like this one best. To be strong in the Lord, we must be ready to walk and run over some dangerous and rough terrain. Remember? We're in a battle against satanic power. As much as I enjoy history, I don't remember any battlefields made out of carpet. They were all rough.

A horse's hooves were 'shod' to prepare them for some rough travel. A Christian should know that his way will not always be easy. So, it would be best for us to be prepared for whatever rough place we might have to walk across.

Every teacher I know that has taught on the subject of the armor of God has always talked about dealing with the satanic forces that fight against God and stir people to evil. However, I have NEVER heard anyone talk about the rough job of dealing with personal relationships. Some folks have tried to bind demons, cast them out and rebuke them all day long to no avail. That's because they aren't trying to walk in peace in their personal relationships. That is the first area that you have to conquer before you can go out and find a devil to bind.

In Matthew 22:37, Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul and mind. In verse 37 He goes the next step and says that the second greatest commandment was to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. Now, that's a tall order.

Sometimes, it is the roughest thing in the world to love our spouse after the way they act and the way that they treat us. God didn't say love them when they treated you good. He just said love them as you love yourself. He didn't say only a couple of hours a day. He didn't say only half of the week. He didn't say love your pastor but not the church members. He didn't say love everybody but love some more than you do others. He didn't say love them only when they do you right. He just said love them.

Jesus washed the feet of the disciples knowing that they would all run away except for John. He even washed Judas' feet knowing that Judas would betray Him. Jesus loved regardless of how He was treated.

If you lose the battle of agape love in your home or in your personal relationships, you will not be equipped to go outside and battle the demonic forces that control the world. They have already chained you to anger, jealousy, lust, hurt, lies and deceit.

You try to bind the demons and they'll just laugh at you. Why? Because the One who defeated them with His blood walked in a steadfast love for His crowning creation, mankind. 1 John 4:8--God IS love.

Let me repeat that sentence another way. When we purposely walk in agape love and in peace with our fellow man, the demons begin to take notice. Why? Because agape love is something that they cannot stop. They saw that look in Jesus' eyes while He lived and they saw it when He died. When Jesus told them to come out of some one, they came out. When Jesus told them to shut up, they never said a word.

If you will purposely begin walking in love with your spouse, family, friends and your enemies, the Strength of the Living God will begin to well up within you. As your love grows, your power over the forces of hell will, too.

And now we can deal with Part 2

You Were Created for this Battle

Eph. 6:12--For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against powers, against the world forces of this darkness, a...